Home Opinion Ominous? Vatican OK’s Medjugorje sorties

Ominous? Vatican OK’s Medjugorje sorties


A BELL rings when we hear May 13. For some, the date automatically associates with the Fatima apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1917, that spectacular dancing sun event witnessed by some 70,000 people in Portugal.

Now the date assumes more supernatural significance, for last May 13, Pope Francis made a significant announcement. The timing is apt. Perhaps ominous.


“The Vatican said that this approval does not mean it has authenticated the apparitions themselves — a fact the secularized Catholic media will focus upon — but very heavy odds are now that they will be, and while it will go unmentioned by most media, a Vatican commission assembled by Pope Benedict XVI studied Medjugorje in tremendous depth for four years and concluded that the Virgin Mary, at least during the first week (its research could not branch beyond that, into individual apparitions that then occurred), did in fact appear there,” explained Catholic author Michael Brown.

Former Medjugorje doubter Archbishop Henryk Hoser, the Vatican representative at Medjugorje is now a Medjugorje believer, calling it the “confessional of the world” and the “spiritual lungs of Europe.”

Those who have followed Medjugorje know its supernatural truth. But how significant is the latest development in Vatican’s move on Medjugorje? One significance is the truth of its messages. Nay, its prophecies for our times.

The visionaries were supposed to be given 10 secrets from the Blessed Mother. The secrets diff er for each, but it would seem that some were common to them all.

At one time, visionary Mirjana said: “The seventh secret troubled me greatly.”

She also said: “I cannot divulge much about the secrets but I can say this…Our Lady is planning on changing the world. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us and with her Son she will triumph over evil.”

“If Our Mother has promised to defeat evil, then what do we have to fear?” Mirjana added. For many of us, this is easier said than done.

The Medjugorje seers have been so far more secretive than the visionaries of Medjugorje and Akita. That’s because they were given time, at present in the future, to reveal them.

But if it is true, as I believe it is, that Medjugorje, Garabandal and Akita complement each other, then there is no reason to be in the dark about those unrevealed in Medjugorje. Add to this the revelations of Jesus Himself to St. Faustina Kowalska of the Divine Mercy and the tableau of revelations is laid wide on the table.

Initially, I can’t help but be afraid.


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