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Nuisance versus opposition


hile this is  ongoing, notice that the administration is getting the kick of out the nuisance created, thoughtlessly it seems, (remember the caveat by John Stuart Milll about dolts in a democracy) by  a known or notorious – better yet fraud- group. It’s not the opposition, although it claims with no basis that it is so.

              The latest gimmick is that highest official of this typhoon-prone land is that he just signed a black check for a budget for the fiscal year 2025.  The bad side of this alleged bank check is, he is not liable under the bouncing check law.  

              That’s easy, says the man at the Palace the mythical river of Pasig. It’s a lie, and he encourages everyone to fact check the new accusation on a web site. There are 4,000  pages on which to see that there is no such canard.

              The President is to blame for the latest episode of his predecessor’s relenteless stupidity. He could have nipped it in the bud on day one but for some reason, he started to enjoy it. Ignorance, or the tolerance of it, is bliss.

                As the story goes, the President  began this benign and benevolent charade when he vowed that he will not allow the International Criminal Court, with emphasis on the second word, to have jurisdiction on his predecessor on the issue of crime against humanity  because doing so would be a crime against sovereignty.  It has been said and proven before  this that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.     

               What followed is more support for leaders with  like minded patriotism ad nauseam.

               Given a hand, the predecessor and his camp demanded a full arm. But there is a limit that a human, even the best or worst of a politician can do. The falling out soon emerged out the gap because Nature avoids a vacuum.



         The latest of this railroaded happenstance is that the President has begged the House of Representatives not to obey the Constitution, meaning not to proceed with the impeachment process thereby violating the balance of power honored in a democratic system.

           Ante, there was this lucid interval when the highest official barked at the second highest that he would not let her impertinence pass without consequence. There’ s still a long , dangling comma after that.

           A lawyer for the ICC has recently gave her two-cents about the apparent lull in the President’s rationality: it’s just a convenient ruse.  While he has vowed to not allow  ICC meddling in drug menace issue and leaves the Damocles sword hanging versus his vice president, better watch what’s happening in the other realms of governance.

            There is, for instance, the continuing four-committee (that’s why quad) hearing at the House that has, so far, determined that the former president is at the front and center not only of the thousands of killing ( either 6,000 or more or 30,,000 or more lives wasted but the billions of profit earned from illegal drugs during the war.

           So far, the President’s alter egos have yet to file the case against the culprits and others involved but the quadcom findings were substantative enough to bolster the case against the former president in the ICC, whether he likes or not.

             The warning is also a threat not the  former president and his men, and the incumbent president and his men cannot take lightly.

             In all this, where is the opposition?  Nonexistent, for all intent and purposes.  The President is having a ball with the inconvenient lies because they fly in the face of facts.  He even ignore the myth, which is easier to flaunt because it involves the imagination, fertile or not. Suffice to say that the President at home with the nuisance or lies.

              The opposition is about the truth, not lies. It’s silent, and it’s co-opted in that sense.  There was even talks, rumors, about making the opposition’s spokesperson, former senator Leila deLima, as the head of the government anti-graft body. No way, it could possibly happen.

                Between rhe nuisance and the opposition, the public is entertained by the government’s dubious narrative about the price of rice. Dealing with the nuisance rather than helping the opposition get back to its role in  a healthy democracy is far from the mind of someone  in the Palace.

                 It’s as basic as there are only male and female, the truth versus lie,  and nothing else in between. The myth is only a figment of the imagination,



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