Noynoy: The modern-day Moses?

    In Hollywood, the biggest event that stars and millions of people are looking forward to is the Oscar awards. In the Philippines, it’s the Presidential election. Filipinos and people from around the world would be watching this year’s top official derby.

    Unlike in the Oscar’s best picture category, there are only 9 nominees (called “presidentiables”). They are – in alphabetical order – Senator Noynoy Aquino, former President Joseph Estrada, Senator Richard Gordon, Senator Jamby Madrigal (the only woman contender), Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, environmentalist Nicanor Perlas, Kapatiran candidate JC De los Reyes, evangelist Eddie Villanueva, and Senator Manny Villar.

    “Despite what some people are saying about him, I will still vote for Noynoy Aquino,” someone answered when asked who he would vote this coming May 10. When asked what his reasons are, he answered simply, “It is written!”

    He was referring to the Holy Bible, of course. He explained that Noynoy and Moses, one of the greatest leaders of all time, have striking similarities and parallelisms. He went on to explain:

    Moses became a prince when he was adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter. “When the child grew older, he became her son. She named him Moses saying, ‘I drew him out of the water’” (Exodus 2:10).

    In comparison, Noynoy became sort of a royalty himself when his mother Cory became the President of the Philippines. Carrying the surname of his murdered father (who said the famous line, “Filipinos are worth dying for!”), he ran for Congress and Senate and won!

    As a prince, Moses did nothing. He never interfered with what the Pharaoh was doing. His performance as a prince was lackluster. There was nothing you can read in the Bible about his works. In like manner, Noynoy as a lawmaker was “very quiet and prefer to stay at the side rather than engage in discussion.” For nine years as congressman and three years as senator, he filed 8 bills but all of these were rejected.

    Indeed, he is performance as lawmaker was lackluster. But even then, “Noynoy has no report or record of abuse of power and absolutely no issue of graft and corruption or stealing or misuse of public funds,” wrote Atty. Alex Lacson, author of the bestselling 12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Help Our Country.

    At one time, Moses was tending the flock when all of a sudden he saw a burning bush. It was God Himself telling him: “I have seen the misery of my people. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them and to bring them into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:7-8).

    But what terrified Moses the most was when God told him: “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10). But despite the fact it was God who asked him, he was still hesitant. “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Moses inquired.

    In like manner, there was that burning sensation among Filipinos when Cory Aquino died of cancer. When she was buried, millions of Filipinos came out to see the Ramon Magsaysay laureate for peace and international understanding laid to her final resting place.

    Out of the blue, people clamored Noynoy to run as the next president of the country. The voice of the people, so goes a saying, is the voice of God. But like Moses, Noynoy was uncertain. He declined the offer at first; he never saw himself as the chosen one.

    After seeking the will of the Lord, he finally conceded to the clamor of his supporters. Someone wrote: “Noynoy went for a retreat before he emerged to accept the great challenge and then asked the people for their support so that he will not be beholden to the traditional politics of patronage, as he did not have the finances to run a successful campaign.”

    But one of the things that Moses really afraid of as a leader was the fact that he was not an eloquent speaker. In fact, he was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). “O Lord, please send someone else to do it,” Moses begged.

    God was angry at Moses. So, He decided to bring Aaron, the brother of Moses, as his spokesperson. “I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth” (Exodus 4:15-16).

    Likewise, Noynoy is never a good speaker. In his lieu, he has a sister named Kris Aquino. A sensitive movie actress and award-winning television talk show host, she is indeed living mouthpiece. Whenever she’s around, people come and listen to her.

    Among the presidentiables, Noynoy has the least experience as a leader. Among his previous works before he became a lawmaker was retail sales supervisor of Nike Shoes, assistant for advertising and promotion of Mondragon, field service manager of the family-owned Azucarera and member of another family-owned VP Best Security Corporation. He graduated with an AB Economics from Ateneo de Manila.

    For his part, Moses was only a caretaker of his father-in-law’s flock when God called him to become the leader of Israelites.

    Is Noynoy Aquino really the chosen one? If he will be elected as the president from 2010 to 2016, will he bring the much needed reform the Philippines aspires and bring the country to greater heights?

    The envelope, please!

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