Mamac bares line-up

    ANGELES CITY – At least three village chiefs and a former city councilor are included in the line-up of mayoralty aspirant Balibago Barangay Captain Rodelio “Tony” Mamac.

    Disclosing this to Punto yesterday, Mamac said Barangay Captains Val Lagman of Claro M. Recto, Robert Yeen of Salapungan and Maria Luisa Bañola of Sta. Teresita would join his team under the Liberal Party (LP).

    Mamac said former Councilor Jericho Aguas had decided to join his ticket allowing them to have a firm hold on the highly-populated Balibago.

    Aguas, who run but lost in the vice mayoral race in 2007, resides in Balibago and his family owns several commercial buildings and businesses in the area.

    But Mamac has yet to name his runningmate.

    Lagman said they had considered two persons as their candidate for vice mayor. He refused to name them “while the negotiation is going on.”

    Sources said Mamac had tried to lure former Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Pampanga Chapter President Atty. IQ Tuazon as his vice mayor. It reportedly did not materialize.    

    Completing the line-up of Mamac are Rodel Abrea, Lilia Pineda, Cris Cadiang, Mario Cruz, Andy Tan and Rico Dizon Suarez.

    Balibago Councilor Haron Tecson, for his part, said “the team of Mamac will have a good chance considering they are offering something new.” He added that Mamac “displays sincerity to serve the people.”


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