New York bestseller


    There’s a new paperback bestseller in New York that’s all about the experience of Colton Burpo, way back when he was three years old in 2003 in Colorado, USA. The book was authored by his dad Todd and edited by Lynn Vicent. Now, if I told you the title of the book, Heaven is for Real, would you dismiss the book outright as being a "mere" religious publication of the fire-and-brimstone variety?

    Those who look up to New York as top level for everything had better not, because, as I said, the book has become a best seller there, with millions of copies sold. A heartening thing, as this reflects the New Yorker’s spiritual interest, perhaps renewed by  the 9/11 tragedy.

    The book hits the core of Christian doctrine, Catholic or not: once born, we live forever. The rest of forever, however, is determined by the choices we make on earth. Those who persist in doing evil are said to choose evil even at the last moment, so their eternal hell is really more of their choice rather than God’s verdict.

    Such is the frequent declaration  of saints who, before their earthly deaths,  were allowed to experience the afterlife. But back to Colton. He died briefly while undergoing appendectomy after doctors in another hospital misdiagnosed him five days earlier.

    In the months and years after, he would innocently make statements that eventually convinced his parents their son was given the unusual privilege to see Heaven as he was being worked on by doctors in the surgery room.

    The first hint was when the family was headed for an outing and passed by the hospital where Colton was treated. Asked by his parents whether he remembered the hospital, the boy casually replied: "Yes, that was where the angels sang to me."

    Colton’s well-educated parents ( dad remains pastor, mom a teacher with masteral) never pushed the boy about his supernatural encounter. But over time, casual, unsolicited statements from their son convinced them he was telling the truth.

    Colton said that at the hospital, he went out of his body and floated around. He described all that happened while he was supposed to be under full sedation, including what his parents were doing.

    There are animals in Heaven where there are more than rainbow colors. There are no old people in heaven and no one wears glasses there. Jesus has a throne on the rght side of His "Dad", Colton diclosed over time.

    Before his hospitalization, Colton never knew that his mom had lost a baby in her womb. Later, he told his surprised mom that he knew he had another sister because he met her in Heaven.

    Colton also related to his dad about Pop, his grandpa on his father’s side, because they also met in Heaven. Unlike the photo of his grandpa displayed at home, Pop did not wear eyeglasses and looked young, he noted
    Pop, however, had died before Colton was born.

    When the boy was shown a family photo of Pop then aged 29 and without glasses, he exclaimed: "Where did you get Pop’s picture?". When asked to identify the young girl beside Pop in the photo, Colton failed. The woman happened to be his still living grandma whom he saw frequently.

    Colton’s heavenly escapade is not unique. The Catholic church has in in its approved list several supernatural apparitions to visionaries who were allowed to see Heaven, too.

     And also Purgatory and hell. In this age when Google provides  easy access to these events, it’s a major fault for a Christian not to pursue information on these, even if they could spend hours on Facebook or Twitter. Worse, on digital pornography.

    By the way, Heaven is for Real can be bought online, as it is available via Kindle.
    PS. I don’t work for Kindle. I just want to spread the good news.


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