Home Opinion New: Our Mother’s messages from San Nicolas

New: Our Mother’s messages from San Nicolas


ON MAY 22, 2016, Catholic Church authorities stamped as supernatural and worthy of belief the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in San Nicolas, Argentina from 1983 to 1990.

Before the Blessed Mother’s messages, some background: the visionary here is Gladys Quiroga de Motta (born 1937 and still living), a housewife and mother of two. She had only four years of formal schooling.

It was on Sept. 25, 1983 that the Blessed Mother, holding a rosary, first appeared to Gladys. The Mother did not speak but appeared to her several times more in the following days.

On her sixth appearance on Oct. 13, anniversary of her last appearance in Fatima (in 1917), the Blessed Mother spoke to her, saying: “You have been faithful. Do not fear, come to see Me. Hand in hand with me you will travel many roads.”

She also told Gladys she wanted to be known as Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas. Her appearance in San Nicolas is associated with her statue kept in the bell tower of the San Nicolas cathedral, as Gladys said it was how she saw Our Mother. The statue of Mary held the child Jesus.

Gladys received at least 1,800 messages from Our Mother and another 68 from Jesus. As in Fatima and other recent apparitions, Our Mother called for repentance and prayers so as to ward off a chastisement that would befall mankind because of sins against God.

Said San Nicolas Bishop Mario Luis Bautista Maulion: “The content of these messages is very spiritual. They call for conversion, prayer, and hope in a hopeless world. The consecration to Our Lady takes us to a very holy life which is the goal of baptism. It is a response to the secularism and materialism of our times.”

One Catholic writer gave a summary of the San Nicolas highlights thus:

– mankind is falling away into sin and corruption, and is “hanging by a thread.”

– majority of mankind is in spiritual darkness of atheism, especially in large cities.

– Our Mother is giving such frequent messages due to the darkness of the times into which we are heading.

– these are Advent times, Jesus’ Second Coming is quickly approaching.

– a plea to prayer and conversion of heart.

– the role of Mary in salvation history as the Ark of the Covenant and the “woman clothed with the sun” in the book of Revelation.

– an admonition to pray the rosary faithfully and be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Here are some of the dated messages of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of San Nicolas:

December 15, 1986. “My daughter, because of a few good people, many bad people will be saved. I mean that with prayer, with the continual prayer of true Christians, many will reach salvation. Here, I explain the reason for my presence and the remaining of my messages, that are, in final instance, the Lord’s word. There must be conversion for the salvation of the soul to be possible.”

January 1, 1989. “Gladys, many children in these moments are submerged in their own materialistic world and will continue so, because they do not seek the aid their spirits need in God. They all have the possibility to receive it, but many reject it. I say this to my children: You are victims of the evil one; you are misguided! Start today, on this new year, a new pace; firm, serene, with great hope and peace in your heart. Mankind will find the Road, if they place their trust in Mary.”

October 11, 1986: “My daughter, the evil one is triumphant now, it is true, but it is a victory that will last briefly. The Lord is only giving him time, the same time that He gives man for him to return to God. That is why vices and worldly madness increase every day. The weaknesses will have to become strengths, and in this way, will be able to get rid of evil. As yet, man’s heart is not totally invaded. Glory be to God.”

On March 21, 1988, Gladys reported having a vision in which she sees the earth divided into two parts. One part represents two-thirds and the other part equals one-third. She sees the Blessed Virgin in the smaller part.

Our Lady explained: “You are seeing the world half-destroyed. These rays of light are sent from my heart, which wants to save as many hearts as it can. My heart is all-powerful, but it can do nothing if hearts are unwilling. The means to save souls are prayer and conversion. Every soul must prepare so as not to be imprisoned eternally by darkness.”

May 13, 1989. “My daughter, as previously in Fatima, today my visits are renewed on earth. They are more frequent and more prolonged because humanity is passing through very dramatic times. Has mankind not understood that they must be uniquely at the service of God? If they resist, their souls are going to perish. Many hearts do not accept my invitation to prayer and conversion. That is why the work of the devil is growing and expanding. My dear children, it is only through prayer and conversion that you will return to God. May He not find your hearts dry.”

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