Moral ascendancy is a must for leaders


    On Jan. 24, 2006, at the height of Hello Garci scandal involving former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Most Rev. Oscar V. Cruz, (DD Judicial Vicar) made a discourse about moral ascendancy.

    He said: “Some call it high moral ground. Others say strong moral authority. There are those who know it as moral ascendancy. They all mean essentially the same: The well felt moral persuasion of someone who is held beyond suspicion of evil design and malicious agenda. And blessed are those who wield moral ascendancy.

    This is especially applicable to those in tenure of a public office which is considered a public trust. The same has a particular relevance for someone who exercises no less than the highest executive office in the land.”

    He goes on: “It is rather easy for someone to govern when he or she enjoys the respect and confidence of the public. It is a matter of course for citizens to follow and abide by the biddings of their leader who lives with righteousness.

    Moral ascendancy is what connects the one governing and the governed, what cements their mutual appreciation and deference.”

    The exact opposite, moral degradation, is “both a sad and pitiful spectacle to behold since followers make fun, do odious effigies, text bad jokes about their leader. More lamentable is when the leader concerned appears unconcerned and unmoved by such degrading actions and disrespectful reactions.”

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    I had to begin this column with the Bishop’s thesis on moral ascendancy because I fear that some officials are appointed, here and abroad, without the basis of thorough check on their moral character and ethical standards.

    Just recently, Akbayan party list Cong. Walden Bello exposed in the halls of Congress about three Philippine embassy officials who sexually abused and turned into prostitutes our Filipino domestic workers in exchange for the speedy processing of their papers and repatriating them for free to our country.

    Quite commendably, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario acted with dispatch by meeting with Bello and assuring him that the erring officials will be suspended and recalled home to face a full-blown investigation on such repulsive charges.

    At the same time, del Rosario and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration head Carmelita Dimzon urged other OFWs to file a formal complaint against these officials (and more from other postings), if they haven’t yet done so.

    Of course, the formal complaints will be the basis for the higher-ups to mete a dishonourable discharge to the violators and filing of criminal charges against them in the courts.

    Even, Vice President Jejomar Binay, who holds the OFW and housing portfolios in the Aquino administration, warned the violators that they face the full force of the law if found guilty of such despicable acts of exploitation to the hapless OFWs, touted as the modern day heroes.

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    Closer to home, I would like to urge the popular Angeles City Mayor Ed Pamintuan to reconsider his appointment of the president to the newly-opened City College of Angeles, whose moral leadership is highly questionable since he has a pending child abuse case before the Department of Justice in Manila.

    A leader must first and foremost lead on high moral ground—with impeccable integrity— so he can earn the respect and cooperation of the students, faculty and administrative staff of the school.

    But tainted with a record like child (sexual) abuse and even covering up for quite a long period of time the rapist in their midst until someone was bold enough to fight to the end, gives this new government’s college president no moral high ground to lead and might even bring fear to the hearts and minds of  lady students and professors including parents of enrolled students..

    Parents are appealing to the good mayor to please reconsider this choice so it wouldn’t tarnish his political and moral credibility as a leader for now and future generations of students to come.

    The Gabriela Partylist, a women’s group on anti violence against women and children, learned about this issue and would appeal to the good mayor to act on this immediately.


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