‘Millions of souls hang in the balance’


    There are a good number of people alleging they have been receiving messages from the supernatural and there is need to use discernment. The grain must be kept off the chaff. In my case, this involves studying circumstances revolving around the claimant-mystic.

    Better, using the old fashioned but no-longer-necessary imprimatur and nihil obstat as yardsticks for acceptability.

    This time, I am skirting my usual standards on messages emanating from a reported mystic who refuses to be named (genuine mystics often long for neither fame nor popularity) and is often cited by Joyce Lang of Maryland, whose group Seers I am a member of.

    As in one of my columns that picked up from the same mystic, here I again share what’s supposed to be a message from God. I find the message sound and relevant.

    It’s as follows:

    “I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence.

    Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. I need you. I love you with an everlasting love.

    “Will you not listen to My voice, and march onward into glory? I need many prayer warriors. Will you serve in My army? Time is of the essence. O My Little Ones, do not let one day go by without raising your voices to Me in prayer, in adoration, and in praise.

    “Pray, beloved. Pray, and remain vigilant. Millions of souls hang in the balance. Should you refuse to comply, many will remain chained to sin, and be thrown into the fires of Hell.

    “Beloved, you must persevere. Pray. Pray for millions to receive the grace of perfect contrition for their sins.

    I will grant this grace, if you ask for it. Pray without ceasing for Satan’s power over humanity needs to be broken. Pray, and be faith filled.

    “Work in My vineyard. Even if all seems lost, you must persevere, and pray. Walk in obedience.

    Remain blameless before My sight. I count on you more than ever. Change must occur in the hearts of men, in the hearts of millions.

    “Without prayer, many will be lost. Sacrifice your time to manifestations of love for strangers.

    Sacrifice your lives to labors of love. Do not count the hours you spend before Me in prayer.

    My grace abounds, and will be granted to those who ask for it. My favour rests on My chosen ones, and will increase with each passing day.

    “Rejoice, Little Ones. Rejoice in Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom.”


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