Meteors, signs of times


    You’ve have heard about that meteor that streaked across  and finally exploded in the Chelyabinsk region of  Russia and caused injuries and damage Friday last week – on the same day that an asteroid made a near-earth flyby, nearer  even than some man-made satellites.

    But news, at least our local news, failed to report that 24 hours after the incident in Russia, a fireball was also seen streaking across the Northern California sky.  It was seen around 7:45 p.m. by witnesses as far north as Fairfield and as far south as Gilroy, reported

    In Havana,  Cuba last Feb. 16, Cuban TV channel cited residents in the central province of Cienfuegos  as saying that at around 8 p.m. local time Thursday (0100 GMT Friday) they saw a bright spot in the sky comparable to a bus in size before it exploded.

    These, amid strange weather, dead birds falling from the sky and lifeless or dying fishes and mammals being washed on many shores, unusual number of earthquakes, a growing number of sightings of UFO’s, strange rumblings and sounds that hound sleepless even city dwellers in various parts of the world.

    Add to the explosion of Marian apparitions worldwide, not to mention her statues weeping either human tears or blood. And then take note that lightning  struck the cross at the tip of the dome of St. Peter’s basilica in the Vatican a few hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, also last week.

    You get the reading? The signs of the times.

    Joyce Lang of Maryland who, despite her illness, has been actively compiling reports from various alleged mystics all over the world, sent me the following message conveyed reportedly by God to an unidentified visionary.

    Please use discernment, although I find nothing theologically wrong with the message which I re-share here within the context of the signs of the times.

    Here’s the quote:

    “I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am the Author of Life. Rejoice. I desire to instruct you now.

    Open your hearts to Life. Surrender to Me. Give Me permission to minister to you. Do not try to control your world.

    Do not place your hope in the ways of man. You err. Leave your cities. Begin an existence of great simplicity.

    Return to Me. Do not engage in pleasures of the flesh. Sacrifice your will to Me. Sacrifice your bodies in love. Do not engage in impure thoughts, and actions.

    “Remain pure before My sight. Live as Saints. I call you to holiness, and count on you to lead others to embrace chastity as a new way of life. Put an end to fornication. Put an end to adultery, and to your practice of masturbation.

    “Do not test Me. Do not call down My wrath upon yourselves. Many nations will soon be wiped off the face of the Earth. Hear Me. Do not contribute to the evils of the world. Walk in humility, and in obedience.

    Failure to comply will result in much purification, and destruction. Hear Me. Ponder this teaching, and make it yours. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom.”


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