But those with depth of spirit see beyond the cyclones and typhoons. The coincidence of other apparent natural phenomena is just too much: sinkholes even in the middle of cities, whales, dolphins and fishes shoring up to death, birds falling lifeless from the skies, increased number of UFO sightings, rivers and bodies of water turning blood red.
On the moral plane: ISIS, same sex marriages, magicians performing acts that defy sheer trickery, abortion mills, institutionalized atheism, open adoration of Satan via his images, cloning and its ilk, pornography at the tip of anyone’s fingers, even juvenile fingers courtesy of smarthphones. Okay, add politicians who get richer and richer despite proclamations they do not much else but public service 24/7.
Again and again I take note: these amid an explosion of Marian apparitions and other supernatural events of our modern times.
Medjugorje, Garabandal, Akita, Kibeho, Betania, Assuit and, in our country, Lipa, and other apparitions of our lifetime. Add the modern mystics: Padre Pio, Teresa Neuman, Myrna Nazzour, Lisa Picarreta, Ma.Esperanza Bianchinni, and our own Emma de Guzman, to name but a few. If you don’t know them.
Google. There are some credible websites that feature them. You just ought to, especially in these times.
There is correlation somewhere between science and faith, nay, Christianity. Better still, Catholicism. The umbilical cord between matter and spirit seems throbbing more evidently, the modern prophets seeing the material world spinning apocalytically, while some scientists admit befuddlement and giving in to an openess to the world of the unexplainable.
Over the last decades that I have been doing research on and writing about modern apparitions and mystical phenomena, there is only one thing I determined to be cautious about: dates. There have been prophecies that gave exact dates on apocalyptic events. Many of the dates have passed without the corresponding prophecies fulfilled. God’s time is not ours. Yet I am sure that the modern-day prophecies are for our times. God gives hints without the precision of dates. All in His wise ways accommodating conversion and repentance. Time is His for our sake. But again, God gives hints. Believe me, some of the hints could be found on YouTube.
Search “signs of the end” and you’ll know what I mean.
Meanwhile, in the same spirit of this piece, let me continue with the messages from Heaven, this time again from Mejugorje.
Last Aug. 2, the Blessed Mother gave the following message to visionary Mirjana:
“Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult the time in which you live is. I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere. He is invisible, but you can see Him if you live Him. He is the light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace. He is the Church which you need to love and to always pray and fight for – but not only with words, instead with acts of love. My children, bring it about for everyone to come to know my Son, bring it about that He may be loved, because the truth is in my Son born of God – the Son of God. Do not waste time deliberating too much; you will distance yourselves from the truth. With a simple heart accept His word and live it. If you live His word, you will pray. If you live His word, you will love with a merciful love; you will love each other. The more that you will love, the farther away you will be from death. For those who will live the word of my Son and who will love, death will be life. Thank you. Pray to be able to see my Son in your shepherds. Pray to be able to embrace Him in them.”
Earlier last July 25, our Blessed Mother conveyed the following words to Marija:
“Dear children! With joy I am with you also today and I call all of you, little children, pray, pray, pray so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than evil, little children, therefore draw closer to God so as to feel my joy in God. Without God, little children, you do not have a future, you do not have hope or salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and, with you, I intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you for having responded to my call.”