The Blessed Mother’s message to us through Medjugorje visionary Marija last May 25 mentioned something which many people in today’s world no longer take seriously: eternity. More, Our Mother refers to eternity as something for us; she called us to it.
It is not easy to live in our days because almost everything, especially on television and the internet, has become mundane. People (at least those in the higher economic rung) are focused on what smart phone or car to buy next, what places to fl y to for vacation, which spa to drive to after work.
These days when I lose touch of the spiritual, contemplating instead on iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S6, I refocus and remind myself how lucky I am to be everlasting. Never say die, but I have to choose now the rest of my share of eternity.
That’s why I have stopped at Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Down with phone upgrades; in eternity, there are better phones and they’re for free. But let’s go back to the Blessed Mother’s message thru Marija last May 25. Here it is:
“Dear children! Pray and be aware that without God you are dust. Therefore, turn your thoughts and heart to God and to prayer. Trust in His love. In God’s spirit, little children, you are all called to be witnesses. You are precious and I call you, little children, to holiness, to eternal life. Therefore, be aware that this life is passing. I love you and call you to a new life of conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call. “
And than last June 2, our Blessed Mother also gave another Medjugorje visionary Mirjana yet more messages. Again, the emphasis on prayer, thus: “Dear children, I call you all and accept you as my children. I am praying that you may accept me and love me as a mother.
I have united all of you in my heart, I have descended among you and I bless you. I know that you desire consolation and hope from me because I love you and intercede for you. I ask of you to unite with me in my Son and to be my apostles.
For you to be able to do so, I am calling you, anew, to love. There is no love without prayer – there is no prayer without forgiveness; because love is prayer – forgiveness is love. My children, God created you to love and you love so as to forgive.
Every prayer that comes out of love unites you with my Son and the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit illuminates you and makes you my apostles – apostles who will do everything they do in the name of the Lord. They will pray with their works and not just with words, because they love my Son and comprehend the way of truth which leads to eternal life.
Pray for your shepherds that they may always lead you with a pure heart on the way of truth and love – the way of my Son. Thank you. “