Meet Luz and Pedro

    My next columns will dwell on two modern-day prophets, namely Luz de Maria of Argentina and Pedro Regis of Brazil. In the past, I fell into the blunder of quoting purported mystics who later turned out too good to be credible. But then, in a world buffeted by biblical upheavals, such errors come with the package.

    By conclusion, Luz and Pedro have been sieved and found to be, well, unwanting. And so a series on them, nay, the messages conveyed to them from Heaven.

    Luz de Maria was born in Costa Rica but now lives in Argentina. Her family is deeply Catholic. It is said that as a child, she had already been interacting with angels and the Blessed Mother.

    It was like this that as a girl she came to feel a great affinity towards the spiritual, so much that in her teenage years she played with the angels and the Blessed Mother, who since then were already her friends.

    During Holy Week of 1990, the Blessed Mother told Luz she would be cured from an ailment that had pained her much. In that year, she also began to interact with Jesus Christ, an encounter that would pave the way for a more public mission on earth.

    One would expect a mystic of her kind to become a nun, but Luz married. Later another physical ailment pushed her to virtual seclusion, but got her into a deep spiritual journey wherein various saints, also notably St. Michael the Archangel, manifested themselves to her and became her friends.

    First, the messages from Heaven were meant only for Luz, to prepare her for the mission she was to carry out for the next many years up to the present. And then the messages changed; they were for all other people, at times for all people, their tones becoming more severe as the years wore on.

    The messages she has been receiving have the tenor of love, mercy and, in the latest years, justice. Hints, if not outright warning, on an approaching purification.

    A priest named Fr. Jose Maria Fernandez Rojas, has always been at her side as confessor and supporter.

    Also in Latin America, in Brazil not too far from Luz, lives Pedro Regis. Like Luz, Pedro had also been stricken with physical illness before his mystic experiences started. Doctors could not explain his seizures.

    On Sept. 29, 1987, Pedro was on his way home when he was again stricken ill. A classmate with him hurried to fetch Pedro’s family. Left behind, ailing Pedro sat near an anthill. Suddenly a woman in white helped carry him away from the anthill. He then fainted and gained consciousness already with members of his family around. The woman in white was gone.

    On Oct. 1 of the same year, Pedro was with his sisters in their bedroom when she saw the same young woman in white. But only he could see her. Two days later, while he and his family were praying the rosary, a feminine voice was heard from outside. Pedro then saw a brilliant light on a hill and so he rushed there.

    On the hill, he saw again the young woman who spoke thus: “Don’t be afraid. I am the Mother of Jesus. I am here because I need you to help my poor children who need My assistance.”

    On Oct. 10, the Blessed Mother appeared anew to Pedro and told her to write down her first public message through him.

    The first message is as follows:

    “I am the Queen of Peace and I want all my children be at my side to fight the great evil that could come to the world. In order for this evil not to happen, you should pray and have faith. My children, I desire the conversion of all as soon as possible. The world is in great danger and to free you from this danger you need to pray, to convert and to believe in the Word of the Creator. Praying you will find peace for the world. My children, many of you go to Church, but do not go with a clean heart or go without faith. Many go to show that they are Catholic. That is a great error. You need to follow one path: the Truth. There are some that have not learned to forgive, but you need to forgive your neighbor. Enmity is the work of Satan, and he is happy when he can separate a brother from another. That is the reason that I ask with all my burning Heart: convert, pray and learn to forgive your neighbor.”

    And so we start the mystical journey with Luz and Pedro.


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