Home Headlines Mabalacat City begins online payment system

Mabalacat City begins online payment system

Mayor Cris Garbo and Landbank Dau branch manager Noreen Polintan formally ink the memorandum of agreement for online payment transactions of government services in Mabalacat City. Photos from Mabalacat CIO

In an effort to provide ease and efficient government service in Mabalacat City, Mayor Crisostomo Garbo formally signed the memorandum of agreement between Landbank on Monday, June 20.

The Landbank Link.BizPortal is an electronic payment facility that allows individuals to pay for services offered by the city. The e-payment portal will provide Mabalaqueños an option for online payment in any local government unit.

The local government of Mabalacat will begin utilizing the online payment system with the processing of business permits as it will also subsequently be able to provide the same payment option to all its government transactions and services.

Garbo said Link.BizPortal will help expedite financial transactions through the online payment system and have an improved, better government service to the Mabalaquenos.

“This is a great convenience for us to have a hassle-free online payment of our services as it is also more accessible to the Mabalaquenos. It will establish accountability of our financial services resulting in less corruption as it decreases the direct and indirect costs with the physical cash transaction,” said Garbo.

Also present during the signing was Landbank Dau branch manager Noreen Polintan together with city administrator Franco Madlangbayan, city legal officer Atty. Francis Dimaliwat, city treasurer Marlene Mendiola, city accountant Oscar Ian Deang Jr, city planning and development officer Rosan Paquia, business permit and licensing officer-in-charge Raisin Mendoza, human resource management office head Merla De Leon, city information office head Jay Pelayo IV, and budget officer Narce Paquia.


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