Home Headlines J&J Philippines donates Hexetidine Bactidol ® to the Philippine Red Cross for...

J&J Philippines donates Hexetidine Bactidol ® to the Philippine Red Cross for new normal protection


July 2022 – Committed to its goal of making care available to all, Johnson & Johnson
(Philippines), Inc. (J&J Philippines) continues its support to organizations which provide
healthcare essentials to communities. The company’s most recent donation is of 3,000 bottles of Hexetidine Bactidol ® oral antiseptic to help alleviate sore throat for immediate protection in the new normal, through the healthcare giant’s ongoing support to the Philippines Red Cross for inclusion in their COVID-19 care kits to be distributed in communities urgently in need.

“It’s been over two years and even though our COVID-19 restrictions are now considerably lighter, it is undeniable that we are still living and dealing with the pandemic. We want to continue with the assistance we have been extending to ensure that fellow Filipinos stay healthy,” said Chili Perez, sr. brand manager for Bactidol ® . “And so, it is our hope that these self-care essentials will help in a big way in staying protected at all times.”

“The Philippine Red Cross would like to thank J&J Philippines for their donation and their vote of confidence towards the Philippine Red Cross. This donation will go a long way towards providing quality life-saving services that protect life and dignity of Filipinos in vulnerable situations” says Richard J. Gordon, Chairman and CEO of the Philippine Red Cross.


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