Introducing Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan

    The plethora of modern-times visionaries in the Catholic Church has, at times, resulted in confusion on which are authentic, which aren’t. Some have been shelved by the Church as categorically unworthy of belief, while others are placed in the backburner, in a state of limbo.

    At one time, this was the case of the apparitions in Fatima and also in Lourdes which were later both declared supernatural and have since inspired widespread devotion. Similarly in his lifetime, St. Padre Pio was also told to keep himself from public contact and allowed to say Mass only by himself in his room.

    In Emmitsburg, Maryland, Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan seems to be in such limbo. She claims to continue to receive messages from both Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, despite an order from her archdiocese for her to halt her prayer meetings in the local church and for her to cease from being public amid her seemingly sensational prophecies facing our time.

    She has insisted that her priest-advisors have assured her she is being still obedient to Church despite her continuing disclosures of her messages allegedly from Heaven.

    I am giving Dr. Sullivan the benefit of the doubt. Her mystic history, backed by videos, seems inspiring. Also, some of the prophecies relayed to her allegedly by either Jesus or Mary, seem to be taking solid shape.

    For this column, I am sharing Dr. Sullivan’s message allegedly from the Blessed Mother. I chose the following for its meaningfulness particularly for people in the US, where many Filipinos have relatives, amid certain shocking developments there.

    The following were the alleged words of the Blessed Mother.

    “Little ones, I thank you for coming to pray. I wish all my children to pray because it will illuminate the Truth. Everything will come to the surface. The Truth will be made known to those who pray, the knowledge of yourself and of your Saviour will surface.

    “I can tell you that the new events that have just unfolded will have serious consequences.

    These events will have grave consequences in relation to your Constitution and your civil rights. It saddens me to have to tell you these things because I have hope here, especially here at the Center of my Immaculate Heart.

    “But few people are praying, and few desire to even know the Truth and to change. Because of these results, I tell you with all surety that the Four Horseman (of the Apocalypse, cf. Rev 6:1-17) have now suited up and are saddling the horses. When they will be released is for God the Father to know. But this act (referring to a recent US Supreme Court decision?) is an abomination to God the Father for the human family. Times change. Many things change, but the Truth cannot be changed. The Truth is the Truth, which has been outlined by my Son.

    “I encourage you to remain faithful to the sacraments. Keep very close to them with regular confession, prayer, the Mass and the Rosary – everything that you can do to be one with the Lord, my Son. For times will continue to be more confusing, and in that confusion it becomes difficult to pray unless you have a foundation in prayer.

    “Invite my people, all of my people, all of my Son’s children, to pray! There is no time for fear.

    It is time to put on your armor, for the evil about to be unleashed here is EVIL indeed; and only through prayer will you have the perseverance, the fortitude, the courage and the strength needed to be the ambassadors of Light. To the few remnants that will survive, I love you and I thank you for praying. I take all of your petitions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

    “I remain here with you forever. I am not leaving because I love you, and I will keep you safe. Peace (fading whisper).”


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