Home Headlines IN WAKE OF MYSTERIOUS DISEASE CRK on high alert

CRK on high alert


CLARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – In the light of the reported mysterious infectious disease detected in China, strict monitoring of passengers is now being implemented at this airport.

Teri Flores, spokesperson of the Luzon International Premiere Airport Development (LIPAD) which handles the operations and maintenance of this airport, said they are now on high alert to prevent the entry of possible outbreak of diseases via this airport.

But Flores said there is “no travel restriction on China or special precautions for travelers coming from this region.”

However, Flores said “the Clark International Airport, in cooperation with the Bureau of Quarantine, is implementing heightened surveillance on all respiratory infections and/or symptoms of pneumonia from arriving passengers.”

She added that “continuous surveillance of all other arriving passengers as well as information dissemination are also being implemented. “

Flores stressed that “In case of any symptoms, during or after travel, travelers are encouraged to seek medical attention and share their travel history.”

Flores said thermal scanners, detecting the body temperature of passengers, are in constant use on arriving passengers at this airport, which has been noted to have an increase number of passengers arriving from China.

The Department of Health (DOH) said the number of reported respiratory illness cases in China has now risen from 27 to 44, with 11 people listed in serious condition, citing China’s public health watchdog.

However, the DOH said “there is still no case yet of human to human transmission” as it allayed fears of the public.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III has issued a memorandum order to intensify surveillance of all air travelers especially those passengers coming from China.

In his memorandum, Duque ordered heightened surveillance on all respiratory infections or pneumonia symptoms in all conveyance coming from China including thorough review of the submitted maritime declaration of health part of Aircraft General Declaration; the continuous passive screening of incoming traveler; Information dissemination among travelers regarding pneumonia; and coordination with port and airport authorities and partners on identifying areas for display of information, education and communication materials.


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