Home Showbiz Hiro Nishiuchi: Tourism Ambassador to the Philippines

Hiro Nishiuchi: Tourism Ambassador to the Philippines


TOURISM has been a dynamic sector in the philippines According to the Department of Tourism local news earlier this year, a peak of 6,620,908 foreign tourists visited the philipippines in the year 2017 marking the remarkable growth of the country’s tourism industry.

Among the many strengths of the Philippine tourism is that the country has been home to one of the New 7 Wonders of nature, the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River national Parkland the one of the New 7 Wonders Cities, the Heritage City of Vigan.

Majority of the Filipinos can understand and communicate in English making it easier to attract tourists and in turn helping the country’s economy This opened the door for Hiro Nishiuchi to explore the beauty of the Philippines.

Hiro is an actress and a model primarily working in the fields of TV, magazines and advertisements both in Japan and internationally.

She is an avid traveler visiting over 30 different countries and has a book published about it.

She loves scuba diving so much that she decided to own a license for it.

When she became the 1st runner up of Miss Universe Japan 2014, she realized the importance of taking care of one’s self and inspiring others to do the same so she started giving value to wellness and beauty.

This also led her to expande her career internationally. Her willingness to diversify her experience allowed her to become part of the promotional activity of the Philippine Department of Tourism in 2014 where she visited the country for the first time.

Among the places she has bewen were Manila, Cebu, bohol, Coron, and Iloilo. Hiro shared that she fell in love not just with the beautiful sceneries but also the kindness of the Filipino people.

She will never forget the welcome and hospitality of the people she met during her stay in the country.

Hiro has since then became active introducing the Philippines to the japanese public.

On June 25th of 2018, Hiro Nishiuchi was officially appointed as Philippine Tourism Fun Ambassador.

Given the title, Hiro initiated to create her advocacy. Her goal is to “promote fun in the Philippines through International Conversations” where she aims to encourage and educate the people she meets all over the world about the beauty of another country she had the privilege to represent.

The Filipino community is grateful to have Hiro.

She is a woman of fun and optimism and her love for diversity and expansion has brought her to succeed in her career.

In addition, being an appointed Ambassador for our country proves how true she is with her love for the Philippines.

We know that she will continue to genuinely promote the beauty we can off er to the rest of the world for she has experienced it herself.

In fact, with her visit in the philippines, she wants to try her luck in showbiz.


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