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Heart to Heart


The greatest thing to know in the new year, according to a wise preacher, is to know what is the greatest thing to know.

       In the case of former President Duterte, meeting with President Bongbong Marcos, ASAP ,at the beginning of 2024 ,face- to -face , not eye-ball to eye ball and see who blinks first, seems like it is. And if Mohammed cannot go the mountain, the mountain will go to Mohammed. In other words. PBBM sees the urgency of breaking bread with  his predecessor, he’s willing to break protocol just to accommodate him.

       Will Duterte, like Rome’s Mark Anthony, beg PBBM to listen, and the rest of his countrymen, in the process, because he intends to bury something, like a hatchet, if not someone, figuratively speaking?

        There had been rumors of destabilizing the present administration and the former president is suspect. He wants to assure the President he had nothing to do with any destabilization moves. He confessed to have met with some retired generals and other loyal supporters.  That’s all there is to it.

         But there is probably more in Duterte’s mind. There’s a laundry list, and only a heart-to-heart talk with a major political ally – forget about the much-talked about break in the unity team – will help  clear the air of the loose talks.

         For one thing, Duterte is obviously  disappointed  that his  program on a regional TV network is being threatened by the suspension of the network for alleged violations of the franchise. He understands press freedom perfectly and he feels the network is not getting the due process it deserves.

        Is the shoe on the other foot now?  The closure of the ABS-CBN in his time was done through the efforts of his political allies in the House of Representatives after he made a big deal of a botched advertisement.  No amount of apologies from the network officials could appease his anger. Vengeance is mine was the silent battlecry.

         “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”, England’s Henry II was said to have uttered against the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket who had been uncooperative. Four knights misinterpreted the king’s outburst as a royal command and got rid of the priest him immediately. No question asked or answer accepted.

            The shutdown of the ABS-CBN was more complicated and but no less treacherous.  Once upon a time, a lawyer was asked in a Supreme Court hearing by the Chief Justice why millions were given to the First Lady to build a coconut palace along Manila Bay.  The answer: who could say no to the First Lady, the lawyer bravely answered. The CJ asked, and you think that is a correct legal argument? ABS-CBN had the legal argument but the louder voice won.

            Duterte can have it from the horse’s mouth if it’s true that the investigators of the International Criminal Court are  already in town to resume the long-delayed probe on the alleged crime against humanity during the war on drugs under Duterte.  No denial or confirmation is always standard strategy against self-incrimination. The  Miranda rule can always come in a handy against a well-known lawyer and politician.

             The former president has the right to be concerned. First off, PBBM has changed his old tune about not allowing the ICC probers into the country. He has said, it’s now under study. It’s cryptic and unsettling.  Comes now the Solicitor general who admits the government really can’t do much if the ICC probers come to visit. Besides, who really know them? On top of it, three more Filipino top-notch lawyers have been added to the ICC team. Caveat emptor.

              There is also former senator Leila de Lima who is free on bail  to run after those behind her ordeal in incarceration for nearly seven years on mere lies and fabricated statements. She has vowed the time of reckoning is at hand for those responsible. And the former president is not just a person of interest as far as she is concerned. Could she now be hand in glove with the ICC probers believed now in town to collect more evidence? One lawyer, in fact, has filed a petition in court calling for the probers deportation ,pronto. Even a paranoid has a real enemy.

              A face to face meeting with an important ally, perception of a crack in unity notwithstanding, could yield a possible answer to PBBM’s search for a new paradigm in solving the West Philippine sea dispute with China, Duterte could turn out to be the best Philippine ambassador to China yet. President Xi Jin Ping obviously is his idol and friend. He could be the missing link in the more friendly relationship between the two countries.

              The much-anticipated meeting should be the best thing  to happen for the country in the new year. Politics can be sidelined for a while as 2028 is still a long way off. The President’s sister-senator is making noise but PBBM, apparently, can just ignore her.  Forget the dragoness on the doorway; the dragon is the real thing.   No need to force the issue now who the President loves more, the Speaker of the House or the Vice President.

              Better,who loves the country more should constructively  shape the conversation between the two presidents and  provide a roadmap for the future, near and far. It is said that nothing replaces the face- to- face meetings and the personal connections that you get when you’re in the same room with people.

               There is no doubt PBBM agrees wholeheartedly.


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