Home Opinion Has chastisement begun?

Has chastisement begun?


MEET MARIE Julie Jehenny, an outstanding mystic, born Feb. 12, 1850, died March 4, 1941. She bore the wounds of Jesus Christ and had visitations from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, among other supernatural personalities. And she had a lot to say about our times and what lay ahead.

Julie is very relevant this week, just in time for this Sunday, which St. John Paul II had declared Divine Mercy Sunday when plenary indulgence can be dispensed on those who comply with requirements (rush to Google if Divine Mercy Sunday is not that clear to you and don’t waste this yearly chance).

So, what has Julie, who died even before John Paul II became pope, got to do with Divine Mercy Sunday?

On Sept. 29, 1881, St. Michael the Archangel appeared to her and said: “Friends of the Sacred Heart, I stay with you, your company is that of Jesus, you are generous and brave soldiers. The Lord desires me to tell you these words: ‘Get ready brave servants of God as the Divine Master will soon come first in His Mercy, secondly in His righteous anger and vengeance.”

So, there we find the reason for Divine Mercy Sunday underscored by the late pope as means for all to avail themselves of Divine Mercy, because after mercy, something follows. St. Michael continued by showing Julie a sword and saying: “This is the sword that I delegate to the friends of God, this is mine, (he shows her his own sword next to the other) they are similar, they both bear the seal of the Lord, it is the Name of Jesus written on the blade, well engraved. Dear friends of the Lord, we are here on the threshold of Mercy and the threshold of the justice of God.”

This reminds us of what Jesus Himself told St. Faustina Kowalska: “Before I come as Just Judge, I am coming first as King of Mercy”.

But the Blessed Mother, on Jan. 5, 1904, told Julie that Satan would also exert dire effort to counter Divine Mercy, zeroing in particularly on the innocence of children. She told Julie: “I suffer to see these souls as pastures delivered to the enemy of the salvation of souls; it is the goodness of my Divine Son (His Mercy) that Satan takes to himself and to appropriate it, (i.e. he takes advantage of God’s mercy to the earth) he (Satan) has his supporters in every corner on the Earth. I despair, yes, I despair of saving those souls…”

Apart from hints from the Blessed Mother’s apparitions in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960’s on the “end of an era” through her disclosure of how many popes would come before Divine chastisement, there was also another hint given to Julie.

To Julie, the Blessed Mother said that the chastisement would start in France.

Then, we recall an event that recently shocked people worldwide: the fire at Notre Dame.

Has the period of chastisement begun? Are we nearing the much feared Three Days of Darkness?


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