Hail, Our Mother


    Catholic writer Michael Brown has noted that the Blessed Mother had been giving longer messages through Medjugorje visionary Mirjana. I had the same observation.

    The longest was the one given last Oct. 2. Brown had a count of words on this, compared to the length of the thousands of other messages the Blessed Mother had conveyed in Medjugorje since she began appearing there to six then children in 1981 What strikes me in the Oct. 2 message, however, was not so much the length as the Blessed Mother’s reference to “sign of the times.” It was, in my perception, an affirmation of our apocalyptic times.

    The reference was in the following rather long Oct. 2 message: “Dear children, with motherly love I implore you, love one another. May there be in your hearts, as my Son desired from the very beginning, love for the Heavenly Father and for your neighbour in the first place — above everything of this world.

    “My dear children, do you not recognise the signs of the times? Do you not recognise that all of this that is around you, all that is happening, is because there is no love? Comprehend that salvation is in true values. Accept the might of the Heavenly Father, love him and honour him.

    Walk in the footsteps of my Son. “You, my children, my dear apostles, you are always gathering around me anew, because you are thirsty. You thirst for peace, love and happiness. Drink out of my hands. My hands are offering to you my Son who is the spring of clear water.

    He will bring your faith back to life and purify your hearts, because my Son loves pure hearts and pure hearts love my Son. Only pure hearts are humble and have firm faith. I ask for such hearts of you, my children.

    “My Son told me that I am the mother of the entire world. I ask of those of you who accept me as such to help me, with your life, prayer and sacrifice, for all of my children to accept me as a mother—so that I may lead them to the spring of the clear water.

    “Thank you. My dear children, as your shepherds offer you the Body of my Son with their blessed hands, always in your hearts give thanks to my Son for the Sacrifice and for the shepherds that he always gives you anew.”

    Significant for me was the Blessed Mother’s statement reiterating that she is everyone’s mother. I have always referred to her as Blessed Mother as personal preference.

    In these unusual times, we need an unusual mother. The troubles going on in the Middle East and other parts of the world, the unusual weather, the unique phenomena being observed in nature all over, the philosophy of atheism being put in practical terms in growing number of countries… all behoove us to seek the comfort and protection of the Blessed Mother.

    “I am the mother of the world,” she repeats. She wants us to take this seriously so that we can seek her help more deeply through prayers. We need her now.


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