Green and Grin

    Dublin, California. I have been here for six days and haven’t gone far due to the very cold weather and the continuous rains. Bad days to have a vacation…but on second thought, good for me. I need not spend anything and have all the time to sleep, eat, watch movies, attend daily mass, watch programs on TV, observe things and simply do nothing, and most of all, having all the time being with my father and sister whom I have not seen for a couple of years – great vacation, indeed! This is what my mind and body aspire for since I came here.

    They have small churches here in this place they call the Tri-Valley- consisting of the communities of Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore, 40 minutes away from San Francisco. I just attended one at St. Raymond’s Parish (never thought that Raymond is a saint). The mass promptly starts on schedule like in our country. But it is more solemn. Early comers would first occupy the front rows and would sit on the middle of the bench until one is full. No cell phones ringing, no loud chatting, presence of the choir that may qualify as an 8-man orchestra, availability of the song book for everyone (despite the big screen projectors where you can read the lyrics of each song).

    I observed that they do fall in line to receive communion like we do. The only difference is that they proceed to the altar by row, starting from the first row up to the last row and all churchgoers received communion.

    I spotted several Filipino and Asian families in this community that is predominantly Irish and white. Yes, there are children, too. What I learned is that each family having little children in tow would bring toys and other things that would keep their children busy during the entire mass. They do not cry nor show behavior that would disturb the solemnity of the occasion.

    News on TV are sometimes depressing and sometimes lifting. Car sales in February are down by 54% (Ford, GM) while Japanese brands are down by an average of 37% – the lowest in 27 years. But car repair business and sales of second hand cars are up by 20%. A Vietnamese-American councilor in San Jose is under recall (for simple issue of naming a district Saigon Business District instead of the popularly wanted Little Saigon)… but as per the latest count, 54% are against her recall.

    Obama’s approval rating is up and well and optimism on the economy among Californians are also up from zero to 24%. Midwest and New York are covered by snow (NY City alone spends $1M to clear one inch of snow from major roads). $212 M is at stake tonight at the Mega Million California Lottery.

    Particular programs on TV such as Judge Judy, Judge Matthew, and other self proclaimed judges, caught my attention. They hear, try and decide cases involving sometimes ridiculous claims, such as suits for unpaid rentals from a former friend, buying the wrong breed of dog, wrong hair color, unpaid van rental, mother’s suit against daughter for refund of parking tickets, etc. Similar cases we have in the barangay justice system.

    And of course, the Jerry Springer Show that borders on obscenity, paranoia, and profanity. Imagine, a husband begging his wife to comeback and wife refuses to do so because she is now in love with her sister’s boyfriend whom she had sexual liaisons.

    The boyfriend, however, admitted it was only for fun and that he would stick it up with his girlfriend. But the girlfriend is now in love with his brother-in-law. Did you get that? Another episode involved a man who discovered that his girlfriend for a year is a transsexual and he received all the booboos from the audience for not discovering at once. Coupled with banging, throwing invectives, showing boobs, and physical violence… what does this show try to convey? Crazy Americans!

    Travels and hotels are at great bargain. I booked a round trip flight to Las Vegas with hotel (Circus Circus) for 3 days and 2 nights for only $120 (barely P6,000), but I regretted this today when I received an email from a client who booked me for free at Wynns Hotel (the newest and most luxurious in Vegas). I asked the airline for the cancellation of my booking and no fee was assessed. Although, it will take 30 days before the refund is reflected in my credit card (with no interest… why do credit card companies take that long to refund?)
    Prices of food and gasoline here are the same as in the Philippines. That is why Americans can eat all they want. But rent and utilities and personal services are really expensive. The one bedroom apartment where I stay now is costing my sister $1200 (almost P60,000) per month. Though realty is down by 30%-50%, no one is buying – afraid to get loans or simply cannot qualify for one.

    Life is not getting any better here for Pinoys who live on an $8 per hour minimum wage. Our minimum wage earners are much better being in the country that they can call their home.


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