Home Headlines Globe’s role in digital inclusion recognized in global case study

Globe’s role in digital inclusion recognized in global case study


Globe’s commitment to narrowing the digital divide was recognized in the latest World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) case study.

WBA’s recent report “The Role of Benchmarking in Improving the Inclusion of Women and Girls in Tech” highlights the importance of benchmarking in the tech industry to advance action towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. It details the alliance’s efforts through the Digital Inclusion Benchmark (DIB), providing insights into actual behavioral changes by companies, and outlining the impact and influence of WBA in driving these developments.

“We understand the transformative power of technology in empowering people to thrive in the digital world. Hence, global benchmarks allow Globe to see areas for improvement in its strategies, programs, and disclosure to accelerate progress towards its sustainability commitments” said Yoly Crisanto, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Communications Officer of the Globe Group.

Globe has been continuously increasing transparency and improving its sustainable business practices to align with global frameworks and standardized benchmarking exercises.  It uses benchmarks such as the Digital Inclusion Benchmark as a guide to enhance performance in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In the report, Globe was cited for its efforts in advancing cybersecurity, data privacy, child online safety, and digital literacy for its customers.

WBA found that Globe, along with three other companies assessed in three iterations of the study– 2020, 2021 and 2023– “have progressively improved in the area of digital inclusion of women and girls.”

It said interviewees from the companies that earned their respective citations “improved business practices and changes in behavior influenced due to the DIB.”

“These changes will contribute to improved business practices in gender digital inclusion in the upcoming years. Bridging the digital gender divide issues is increasingly becoming an important theme for different departments within the companies and is a successful outcome of the DIB,” the WBA said.

“This includes increased disclosure of the number of women in technical roles across the tech industry, creating more granular KPIs, increased reporting on key topics and processes, developing more social initiatives targeting women and girls, and implementing educational workshops.”

Globe’s efforts extend beyond internal policies to encompass collaborations with stakeholders, including government, non-government organizations, and communities. This is necessary for building a more inclusive digital ecosystem where the benefits of technology are accessible to all, regardless of gender.

WBA is an organization that develops benchmarks to act as a catalyst for businesses to measure and improve performance towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It released this case study to illustrate the transformative role of benchmarking in driving corporate responsibility and social change in the tech industry. Globe’s exemplary practices set a standard for other tech companies striving for a positive societal impact.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, the inclusion of women and girls remains a critical area for development. Globe continues to strive to make technology as a tool for empowerment and equality for all.

KodeGo, the online tech bootcamp of Globe’s 917Ventures, saw an increasing number of female graduates for their website development course from 82 in 2022 to 285 in 2023. Females also comprised 66% of graduates in 2023 for the General Virtual Assistant course which enhances their employability prospects in digital jobs.

To learn more about Globe, visit www.globe.com.ph.


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