Home Headlines Globe fires up 26 new cell sites in Mindoro, Marinduque via partnerships...

Globe fires up 26 new cell sites in Mindoro, Marinduque via partnerships with power coops


Leading digital solutions platform Globe fired up 26 new LTE-capable cell sites in Oriental Mindoro and Marinduque from January to June this year through stronger partnerships with local cooperatives, resulting in better connectivity.

Globe collaborated with the Oriental Mindoro Electric Cooperative Inc. (ORMECO) and the Marinduque Electric Cooperative Inc. (MARELCO) to power up 17 cell sites and nine towers, respectively. These benefitted around 102,000 customers in both provinces through faster and more reliable internet connection.

The partnership involves a joint pole agreement that allows Globe to tap the electric coops’ infrastructure for its connectivity equipment.  The coops also assist Globe with its permanent power applications and securing necessary permits.

“Globe consistently builds a stronger relationship with partners and stakeholders to uplift the lives of Filipinos.  We strongly believe that different organizations can work together to achieve positive societal impact. By moving towards a common goal, we leverage each other’s strengths and capabilities to address the needs of the communities and improve the experience of our customers,” said Michelle Ora, Site Lifecycle Management Services Vice President at Globe.

Globe spent P50.5 billion on capital expenditures in the first half of this year, mostly dedicated to network expansion and upgrades to provide better and faster connectivity to its customers and bring a #1stWorldNetwork to the rest of the country. This figure closed at P74.4 billion by end-September.

Within the same period, it installed 572 new cell towers and upgraded 6,800 mobile sites to 4G. It aims to build at least 1,700 new cell sites by year end. By the end of Q3, this figure rose to 1,064 new cell sites, 10,600 mobile sites upgraded to LTE, and 1,887 new 5G sites nationwide.

This continuous buildup is part of Globe’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly UN SDG No. 9, highlighting the roles of infrastructure and innovation as crucial drivers of economic growth and development.

Last year, the company spent a record P92.8 billion to construct 1,407 new cell sites, upgrade over 22,300 mobile towers, install over 2,000 5G outdoor sites and in-building solutions, and roll out 1.4 million fiber-to-the-home lines.

To learn more about Globe, visit www.globe.com.ph.


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