Girlfriend, mom in Tania Dee murder up for witness protection

    ANGELES CITY – The police here has recommended the girlfriend of murder suspect Fidel Shieldon Arcenas and her mother for the Department of Justice’s witness protection program amid formal charges of murder and parricide filed against him.

    Arcenas has remained at large after the body of his estranged wife Tania Camille Dee was found last June 28 in the yard of a house in Sta. Maria subdivision belonging to Regina Dychioco, mother of the suspect’s girlfriend Angela Dychioco.

    Chief Inspector Ferdinand Aguilar of the Pampanga police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) said that “with the principal suspect still at large, and while the elements of this office are on the manhunt, this office is of a strong belief that Angela, being the witness- participant in trying to conceal the crime and her mother, Regina, being the one who reported her doubts which led to the discovery of the cadaver, must be secured in order to preserve their statements and protect their persons and so as not to frustrate the ends of justice.”

    Tania’s sister Mary Ann Dee filed the murder and parricide charges against Arcenas before the DOJ last Monday.

    Angela was also named as respondent, along with unidentified individuals named only as John Does and Jane Does.

    Police are considering Angela as star witness, but charges first have to filed against her in the case.

    Tania was last seen alive on June 20 and was seen on a CCTV footage in a local Japanese restaurant where she met with Arcenas who reportedly had promised to give her P400,000.

    Last June 27, the girlfriend’s mother Regina visited her vacated house in Sta. Maria subdivision and later told the police she noted smell of decay. This led the police to Tania’s body the following day. Angela later submitted an affidavit to the police admitting she found Arcenas with the body in the house and helped him bury the body.

    Autopsy report indicated Tania was shot behind her head. Her body also manifested contusions.


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