Home Headlines GIBO seeks to harmonize laws

GIBO seeks to harmonize laws


Former Secretary of National Defense and senatorial candidate Gilbert (GIBO) Teodoro seeks to smoothen and harmonize laws by pulling out legislations that are no longer relevant.

Gibo Teodoro, former Tarlac representative and 1989 Bar topnotcher, said some laws in the government are already irrelevant and have become a regulatory burden to businesses and the public.

“I believe that the legislative branch now needs to review our laws. Some of these laws are outdated and inefficient that need to be repealed or consolidated in order not to add to the complexity of our regulatory system and policies,” he said.

Gibo Teodoro said that aside from legislations, regulatory issuances of both national agencies and local government units should also be reviewed for streamlining.

The senatorial candidate suggests that the government should have a central body that will coordinate regulatory reforms to ensure that there is coherence in government laws, regulations, and policies.


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