Garbo said he and his team are now busy “untangling the mess” left behind by the Morales administration.
“Maragul a prublema (It’s a big problem),” he said describing the past administration’s transactions.
The Garbo administration is now in the process of cleaning out the payroll with only a mere 300 job order (JO) workers identifi ed so far from some 1,800 listed at city hall.
However, Garbo refused to give further details reiterating that they are still in the transition process.
Garbo hasn’t replied to text messages after turning down this reporter from seeing him for an interview at city hall.
When finally reached by phone Monday night, Garbo said he will just give more details over the telephone but has not returned the call as of press time.
Garbo was reportedly at the Capitol on Monday morning.
Meanwhile, the provincial office of the Department of Interior and Local Governments (DILG) after reporting a smooth transition of power in the city has reported that all vehicles assigned to the past administration have been returned to the city hall for proper disposition.