Fresh messages from Mother Mary

    Partly because his bishop has been supportive of Pedro Regis of Brazil, who has allegedly been receiving from the Blessed Mother regular messages for mankind since 1987, I write of him. Or rather, of the messages.

    The benefit of internet in our times is that we get to know how abnormal the world has become, the abnormality being wrought by either man or nature, or both. Those who insist the abnormality has always been there and that internet should be blamed for what is merely increased awareness of events outside historical patterns should perhaps dig into data. Our times, alas, are unusually errant. This, the messages through Pedro confirms.

    In the recent messages (for purposes of brevity, the terms “alleged” or “allegedly” are shelved hereon) conveyed through Pedro, the Blessed Mother has been nagging us about the need to stick to prayer and to hold on to the official and traditional teachings of the Church, amid a serious threat to our Faith.

    Something, it seems, is unprecedentedly afoot at the Vatican.

    Last Feb. 27, she conveyed the following to Pedro:

    “Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Do not be discouraged. Have courage, faith and hope. Love the truth and defend it. You live in a time of Sorrows. Do not live separated from prayer. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. You are moving toward a sorrowful future.

    “The devil will cause great spiritual damage in the Church of my Jesus, such as has never happened since its Foundation. Be alert. The Truth of my Jesus is maintained in its completeness only in His True Church. Pray. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the Words of my Jesus. Listen to the True Magisterium of the His Church and you will be saved.

    “I love you and I want to help you. I know your needs and I will plead with my Jesus for you. Go forward without fear. Whoever is with the Lord will never be defeated. This is the message which I transmit you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in Peace."

    Farther back last Feb. 23, the Blessed Mother also delivered the following message through Pedro:

    “Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Humanity has become separated from the Creator and is moving toward a great abyss. Return to the Lord and sincerely repent of your sins. I ask you to live apart from everything that distances you from the Lord. My Son Jesus expects much of you. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow.

    “Tell everyone that God is in a hurry and that this is the opportune time for the Great Return. I came from Heaven to help you, but listen to me. I can not force you, for you have free will. Be meek and humble of heart, for only thus can you serve the Lord faithfully. Do not remain stationary. Open your hearts and take hope to all those who are distant from the Lord. Love the truth and defend it. Difficult days are coming for men and women of faith. Accept the Gospel of my Jesus and do not let yourselves be contaminated by false doctrines. Courage. The Lord is at your side. This is the message which I transmit you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in Peace.”


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