For the sake of delicadeza

    President elect Noy Noy Aquino is expected to announce the members of the cabinet next week, a report said.

    The concern of many people is not entirely the new appointees but the appointees of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. These include those whose term of office is fixed by law.

    If only for the sake of delicadeza all the appointees of the Arroyo administration should resign. But how many of these people have the good sense to resign and let the new administration make their replacements.

    In many national offices there are career employees and officials who should be given opportunity to head their respective departments or offices. Before looking for outsiders to fill the vacancies they should be given priority.

    Special attention and study should be made in the selection of officers in the foreign service particularly ambassadors and the officials and officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs who are representing the country in the host nations where they will be assigned.

    Our embassies and consulates should also assign personnel to look into the welfare of overseas workers.

    This is another appeal to the President and all the Congressmen of the district covered by the franchise of Pampanga Electric Cooperative II or PELCO II.

    Please look into the operation of the Cooperative, more particularly the rate it charges its subscribers.

    At last the amended Senior Citizens Law will be effective starting July 6. Obviously the implementing guidelines have been finalized. However, there should be an extensive information drive on the provisions of law and the guidelines. This should be posted in a drug stores for ready reference when buying medicines.

    It is interesting to know who will refile the Freedom of Information Bill that has been shelved by the 14th Congress.

    The bill, important as it is, should be given priority by the 15th Congress.

    As earlier said the bill if it become a law will minimize graft and corruption or in the least minimize it.


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