For the fund of it

    HERE’S A segue from our piece here yesterday on partyboy Pacquiao forming his own People’s Champ Movement to re-launch his political bid.

    Above all the Party! That is to political animals whose own vested interests make the Party.

    A travesty right there and still leading on to more perversion of the party system in the Philippine political setting.

    Consider the American patriotism immortalized in the inaugural speech of John F. Kennedy bastardized to: Ask not what your Party can give to you. Ask what you can give to your Party.

    Or the stirring oration of American patriot Patrick Henry at the Constitutional Congress mutilated to: Give me royalty or give me debt.

    Our own Manuel Luis Quezon’s supreme dedication to his people diminished to: May loyalty to my Party ends where the royalty to my Partyboss begins.

    Would the martyred Ninoy Aquino have said: The Party is worth paying for?

    Jean Jacques Rousseau’s cogito, ergo sum  perverted to: I pay, therefore I am (a candidate).

    All for the fund, less for the fun, of it. That’s how the party principle works in Philippine politics.

    There is nothing wrong with contributions to the Party, as dues are a member’s duty. Entrance fees are imposed, as well as membership maintenance charges. That is the way of associations.You don’t want to pay, don’t be a member. As simple as that. Even made simpler if we go by the deposed Estrada’s Eraptions as: “Walang kaibigan, walang kumpare na hindi mag-entrance fee… Huwag ninyo akong subukan. Mag-matrikula kayo o pupulutin kayo sa kangkungan… Walang entrance fee? Ano kayo, sinuswerti?  I leave the English translation to the imagination of our foreign readers.

    Funny how these pedestrian thoughts ride onto another masa conveyance identified with Estrada. Remember JEEP? That is Joseph Erap Estrada for President. Talk of Erap and talk of the passenger jeep invariably surfaces.

    The pay-the-Party practice hews closely to the jeepney philosophy: Pay as you enter. Which, incidentally, is the first rule in the hooker’s enterprise too which, in turn, finds kinship with political praxis here. Was it one Victor Corpuz who once uttered “political prostitute” in the hallowed halls of the Senate?

    Apropos to the Party too is the jeepney caveat: God knows Hudas not pay.

    And while at it, we may as well go the full length of the estribo and the borloloys and take a spin out of the tsuper’s witticisms: Sa pasada ang hirap, sa Partido ang sarap… Katas ng kandidato, pondo ng Partido.

    The Party can even adopt the jeepney freebie: Basta sexy, libre. Buntis, doble. But come to think of it, the Party is already doing this. Perceived winnables, especially the fair faced, are enticed to join the Party with all the come-ons it can offer. Think of the artistas and celebrities in the Party corral. The unattractive, the aesthetically challenged, though tried and tested are kicked out the Party bus.

    Still, and all, to the Party: Matriculation fee is the best policy. And that is the fund of it.      



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