Home Headlines Fake news: ‘Holy alcohol’ in place of holy water

Fake news: ‘Holy alcohol’ in place of holy water


Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission of Pampanga FB page

“There is no sacramental holy alcohol, that we should make the sign of the cross when we rub it to ourselves. Moreover, it should not be sprinkled on the faithful.

So warned the Archdiocese of San Fernandos liturgical commission in its Facebook account Monday.

It is fake news that during this time of pandemic, Covid-19, the Church has replaced holy warter with holy alcohol even it it has been temporarily set aside as we enter the church to prevent contamination, it said.

Since the closure of Catholic churches with the imposition of the enhanced community quarantine, holy water fonts at the entrance of churches have been emptied.

The commission affirmed that: “Blessed water is the matter of baptism, using another material element or liquid makes such baptism invalid..

This, even as it reminded the faithful that there are no such things as holy face masks, holy face shield, holy sanitizer, holy PPEs, or holy goggles.

“This is an irreverent marketing strategy or gimmick,” it said.

Last week the archdiocese issued guidelines for the parishes under the GCQ.

One provision in the guidelines that could have caused the holy alcohol issue is that: There will be alcohol dispensers and foot baths at all church entrances, and disinfection will be done after every service. 

That, following another provision that has not been taken kindly by some parishioners, that Holy Mass Admission Pass will be issued to pre-determined people depending on the capacity of each parish and only those bearing these will be allowed to enter. 


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