Endangered eagle found, turned over to DENR


    The Philippine-Eagle Owl is surrendered to Paradise Ranch’s Roman Goce (wearing cap) by RGE workers in Angeles City.

    Photo by Ric Gonzales

    ANGELES CITY – A rare and endangered eagle was turned over to the authorized bird sanctuary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Saturday, one week after it was found weak and wounded at the Royal Garden Estate (RGE) in Barangay Cutcut here.

    RGE’s Ruperto “Perto” Cruz turned over to the Paradise Ranch Nature and Conservation Park, a wildlife sanctuary based in the Clark Freeport, a Philippine-Eagle Owl (Bubo philippinensis).

    Roman Goce, Paradise Ranch’s administrative head, said the eagle is an endangered and rare bird species belonging to the Strigidae family. He added that it is endemic in the country and lives near lakes in lowland jungles.

    Goce said the bird is about 40 centimeters and it has a wingspan of about 120 centimeters.

    Cruz said workers at the RGE found the bird near the area where there are chickens and fighting cocks. He added it apparently fought and struggled with the cocks to get food given by caretakers.

    Cruz said the RGE and its 18-hole all-weather championship golf course have been a sanctuary for birds and other wild animals.

    “We see different types of birds and even wild chickens (labuyo) in the estate,” said Cruz, whose Royal Garden Golf and Country Club is at the boundary of this city and Porac town where there are mountain ranges and lakes.

    Cruz added that they also earlier surrendered an owl to the DENR.

    Cruz said that his workers led by Lito Naguiat took care of the wounded bird and made it strong before turning it over to the DENR.

    Paradise Ranch thanked Cruz for turning over the eagle and urged others to imitate his gesture and concern for the wild birds. It gave its numbers – (045) 8900223 and 09399129035 – for those who want to surrender or report about captured birds deemed rare, endangered and protected.

    It added that they can also call Lito Villar of DENR-Pampanga at 0906-3358816.


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