EdPam vows 33 ‘botikas’ to aid poor

    ANGELES CITY – “Every Angeleño will have access to quality health care services.”

    Thus said Lakas-Kampi-CMD mayoralty bet Edgardo D. Pamintuan after receiving reports from local folk that most of them, especially women and children, do not receive even basic health services from the city government.

    Pamintuan said that he will upgrade the Ospital Ning Angeles by providing enough medical supplies, and the provision or purchase of equipment such as CT Scan and dialysis machines.

    “We will deliver genuine medical services to our people with sufficient supply of medicines to benefit the poor,” Pamintuan said.

    He earlier announced that concerned groups in the United States of America vowed to donate state-of-the-art medical equipment once he wins the mayoralty post.

    Pamintuan also said that he will establish the first Public Dialysis Center and the Animal Bite Center to augment the medical needs of the city.

    He added that all 33 barangays will have “Botika ng Barangay” to ensure access to cheaper medicines to the poor.

    “These medical programs will benefit all of the poor and under privileged Angeleños who have long been denied genuine medical service,” he said.

    Pamintuan also said he will transform this city to a “Gender-Responsive City” through the passage of the Gender Development Code of Angeles City including the launching of gender-sensitivity trainings for city, barangay and public school officials.

    He said that there would be a project called the “Most Gender-Responsive Barangay Awards” to recognize the efforts of barangays in improving the medical health services for the people.

    Pamintuan also vowed to implement the mandatory allocation of at least one percent of the city’s annual Internal Revenue Allocation from the national government to benefit the senior citizens in the city, adding that it will have its own Senior Citizens Day.


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