EdPam leads turnover of new garbage trucks to AC villages


    (DUMP TRUCKS FOR AC VILLAGES. Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan and Vice Mayor Bryan Matthew Nepomuceno lead the turnover of the initial batch of dump trucks to 10 barangays in the city on Wednesday at the City Hall. With them are DILG city director Martin Pores Moral, city councilors, Hino Motors Pampanga chief operating officer Marco Hizon and officials from the recipient-barangays. Photo Courtesy of AC-CIO)

    ANGELES CITY – League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) President and Angeles City Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan led the distribution of the first batch of brand new dump trucks on Wednesday to assist this city’s villages on their solid waste management programs.

    A total of 10 Hino garbage trucks were distributed to Barangays Agapito Del Rosario, Amsic, Claro M. Recto, Lourdes Northwest, Lourdes Sur, Lourdes Sur East, Mining, San Nicolas, Sto. Cristo, and Tabun.

    The units were received by their respective village chiefs during a simple turnover ceremony at the City Hall graced by the representatives from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and Liga ng mga Barangay.

    In his speech, Mayor Pamintuan said that the truck units, which were acquired through a portion of the loan from the DBP, will help all the villages of this city to perform their mandates imposed to them under Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.

    Meanwhile, Chief Operating Officer Marco Hizon of Hino Motors Pampanga explained that the truck units are especially built, intended for local government units. Hino Motors, a Japanese-led vehicle assembler giant, is known for manufacturing medium and heavy duty trucks in Asia. The trucks are made up of stainless steel body which can withstand from 10 to 15 years.

    “All units are also Euro- 4 compliant units and have passed the emission testing and requirements of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The trucks come with a threeyear warranty with unlimited mileage,” Hizon said.

    For his part, Pamintuan highlighted that public orderliness and the protection of the environment have been among his priority agenda stipulated under his Contract with the Angeleños (CWA).

    Joining the mayor in the turnover ceremonies are Vice Mayor Bryan Matthew Nepomuceno, City Administrator Dennis Albert Pamintuan, DILG City Director Martin Pores Moral, Councilors Edgardo Pamintuan Jr., Alexander Indiongco, and Danilo Lacson, ABC President Jeremias Alejandrino, Barangay Captain Chris Cortez of Mining, Barangay Captain Alma Mercado of Tabun, Communications Officer Jay Pelayo IV, CLAC President Thelma Indiongco, and officials from the recipient-barangays.

    Loan from the DBP

    DBP Senior Assistant Vice President Francis Rivera assured and affi rmed that the loan application of the city government from the DBP went through a rigorous process.

    Rivera, who represented DBP Chairman Alberto Romulo during the turnover ceremony, said that the projects [to be implemented using the loan] should be developmental. He cited the distribution of garbage trucks and service vehicles, procurement of Ospital ning Angeles dialysis machines, the construction of a sports complex and a PWDand elderly-friendly city hall as among these.

    “Angeles City is a very valued client of the bank,” said Rivera. However, the DBP senior official added, “DBP conducts our due diligence. We just don’t allow any borrower, a private or public entity, to secure a loan from us.”

    “Also, government entities need to secure a Borrowing Capacity Certification (BCC) from the Department of Finance under the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) before they can get to avail our loan services,” the Rivera added.

    “The BLGF certifies whether up to how much a local government can borrow, and based on that, we study our own Loan Ceiling. The Monetary Board will then validate as to the favorability of the loan,” the official added.

    The DBP senior official furthered, “The right paradigm on loans lies on your ability to pay it in installment. If you can realize the benefits today, why not?”


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