Home Opinion ‘Earth’s poles will switch’

‘Earth’s poles will switch’


MARIAN RESEARCHERS could well agree that, based on revelations of modernday mystics, the “last times” (not the end of the world) are here. Internet’s YouTube may seem so unbiblical for its modernity, but its true-to-life footages confirm unfolding prophecies of recent decades, climate change being one of them. A growing number of its channels compete with actual footages of unusual weather, geographical aberrations, biological conundrums. Just recently, scientists have also confirmed that the world’s axis has gone awry.

Consider this warning from the Blessed Virgin Mary a few years ago, as conveyed to mystic Pedro Regis of Anguerra, Brazil: “The poles will switch and the earth will undergo major transformations. All living beings will suffer.

“I would ask you to be strong and in all things, imitate My son Jesus. You are not alone. Bend your knees, and seek your strength in the Lord.

“Great sufferings for My poor children will come from water and fire. There will be gaps in the magnetic field of the earth, and this will cause disequilibria in the life of humans and animals.

“A sudden displacement of the Poles will bring suffering on the Earth, the Sun, and its surroundings. I ask you to do the will of God, and stay far from sin… what I say should be taken seriously.

“The moving of the poles, will change life on Earth, and my poor children will live moments of distress… I love you, and I come from Heaven to help you. Listen to me. Do not let the devil, take you away from the truth.

“The earth will shake, and abysses will appear. My poor children will carry a heavy cross. The earth will lose its equilibrium, and frightening phenomena will appear. I suffer because of what awaits you.”

In my last column, I said I would also provide quotes on the Chastisement as prophesied through mystics in the recent decades. It would seem that the Chastisement would result from a direct intervention of God via a comet.

St. Anna-Maria Taigi (1769-1837): “God will ordain two punishments: one, in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils, will originate on earth; the other will be sent from Heaven (Comet). There will come over all the earth an intense darkness, lasting three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible, and the air will be laden with pestilence, which will claim principally but not exclusively, the enemies of religion. During those three days of darkness, artificial light will be impossible; only blessed candles will burn and will afford illumination.

“He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out or leaves his house, will fall dead on the spot. During those three days of darkness, the people should remain in their homes; pray the Rosary and asking God for mercy.

“On this terrible occasion, so many of these wicked men, enemies of His Church and of their God, shall be killed by Divine scourge; that their corpses around Rome will be as numerous as the fish which a recent inundation of the Tiber had carried into the city. All the enemies of the Church, secret as well as known, will perish over the whole earth, during that universal darkness, with the exception of some few, whom God will convert. The air shall be infected with demons, which will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.”

Even Padre Pio (1887-1968) was given a vision of the Chastisement, so that he said the following: “Pray! Make reparation! Be fervent and practice mortifications. Great things are at stake! Pray… Men are running towards the abyss of Hell in great rejoicing and merry-making, as though they were going to a masquerade ball or the wedding feast of the devil himself! Assist me in the salvation of souls. The measure of sin is filled! The day of revenge, with its terrifying happenings is near– nearer than you can imagine! And the world is sleeping in false security! The Divine Judgment shall strike them like a thunderbolt! These godless and wicked people shall be destroyed without mercy, as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Yes, I tell you, their wickedness was not as great as that of our human race today.”


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