Home Headlines DTI issues safeguard measures for local glass products

DTI issues safeguard measures for local glass products


To protect the local glass industry, the Department of Trade and Industry recently issued an Order imposing provisional safeguard measures in the face of increasing supply of glass products from abroad. The move was done to protect the local float glass industry from serious injury, in terms of decreasing market share, sales, capacity utilization, employment and production because of the influx of imported glass products.

Acting on a petition by the Philippine float glass industry, and by virtue of Republic Act No. 8800 or the Safeguard Measures Act, the DTI issued Department Administrative Order No. 19-12 on July 22, 2019, imposing temporary safeguard measures in the form of Cash Bonds for imported float glass products after a preliminary evaluation. Under the Order, a temporary cash bond is imposed on imported clear flat glass in the amount of Php 2,552 per metric ton. For imported tinted glass, a cash bond of Php 2,835 per metric ton is imposed. The said measure will be effective for 200 days after the 15-day publication of the DAO or the relevant Customs Memorandum Order. After this period, the matter will be decided on by the Tariff Commission if the safeguard measure is needed.

The DTI decided to impose the safeguard after a preliminary investigation of importations of clear and tinted glass from 2013 to 2017. The investigation showed a surge in the volume of importation of glass products which might be injurious to the local flat glass industry.

Exemptions to the safeguard measure are imports from selected developing countries listed under the Order, provided that they furnish a Certificate of Origin duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate.

Early this year, the DTI issued DAO 19-05 requiring locally manufactured and imported flat glass products to undergo inspection and testing before they are certified as compliant with Philippine National Standards before they are distributed and sold in the local market.

Under DAO 19-05, flat glass manufacturers have to apply for and secure first a Philippine Standards License before they can produce and distribute their glass products. Manufacturers have to undergo Product and Factory audits to be conducted by the Bureau of Philippine Standards before they are given a Philippine Standards License and Safety Certification marks.


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