Home Headlines DOT regional office to locate in Clark

DOT regional office to locate in Clark


CDC welcomes DOT R3 in Clark. CDC President and CEO Noel F. Manankil (1st row, 2nd from left), CDC VP for Business Development and Business Enhancement Group Evangeline G. Tejada (1st from left) DOT Regional Director Carolina Uy (2nd from right) and DOT Chief Tourism Operations Officer Avon D. Timbol (last from left) signed the lease agreement between CDC and DOT Region 3 for new location of its regional office inside Clark Freeport Zone. (CDC-CD Photo)


CLARK FREEPORT— The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) has signed a lease with the Department of Tourism (DOT) Region III recently for the department’s new regional office to be located inside this Freeport.


The regional office which is currently located inside Robinson’s Place in Balibago,  Angeles City will be moved to the main gate here by first week of February, making it more accessible to the public.


It will ensure convenience for the owners of hotels, travel agencies, and other tourism-related enterprises to visit the regional office if they wish to be accredited by DOT.


The lease agreement was signed by CDC President-CEO Noel F. Manankil and DOT Regional Director Carolina Uy with CDC Vice President for Business Development and Business Enhancement Group Evangeline G. Tejada and DOT Chief Tourism Operations Officer Avon D. Timbol as witnesses.


The said event is a testament of the growing partnership between CDC and DOT Region 3.


With the growing number of investments and locators inside the Freeport, more businesses especially those of the hospitality industry are expected to rise in 2020 – making Clark a premier tourism and business hub.


“Department of Tourism Region 3 is one with you in your efforts for the tourism industry of CDC,” Uy stressed as she thanked Manankil for making the transfer possible.


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