Home Headlines Dominguez douses debt trap fears in infra loans from China, Japan

Dominguez douses debt trap fears in infra loans from China, Japan


(Photo grabbed from Rappler)

CLARK FREEPORT – Finance Sec. Carlos Dominguez has doused fears of debt trap in the government´s loan deals with China and Japan to finance its ambitious Build, Build, Build projects.

“This is totally unfounded. The financing we availed of are soft loans at the lowest possible interest rates and the longest possible term arrangements,” Dominguez told reporters at the sidelines of the Sulong Pilipinas 2018 Philippine Development Forum here the other day.

He noted that estimated project debt to China will only constitute 0.65 percent of the government’s total debt from the current 0.11 percent.

Dominguez also noted that project debt to Japan will increase from the current 3.17 percent to 8.9 percent of the total debt at the end of the year.

“By 2022, when most of the financing for the Build, Build, Build program should have been accessed, our project debt to China will constitute around 4.5 percent of the total debt, while the project debt to Japan will be around twice as large at 9.5 percent of total debt. So, there is no danger of us being drowned by Chinese debt,” Dominguez clarified.

He also assured the public that the “government borrows with great prudence, aware that it is the taxpayer who ultimately pays for the debt.”

“We always keep in mind that the money we borrow come from the taxes dutifully paid by the people of the countries that have continued to generously support us. Thus, we make sure that the funds we borrow are wisely used and will produce sufficient economic benefits to make the debt service easier down the road,” he said.

Dominguez also stressed that all projects are approved by the National Economic and Development Authority Board without any interference from the Chinese.

As for Chinese-funded projects, Domingues noted that the government has asked China to submit three names as bidders for their project and that in case the bidders don’t perform well, they would be accountable to their government.

Dominguez said this is “one way the Duterte administration is protecting the Philippines from projects that are unnecessary and are driven by agencies outside of the Philippines.”


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