Home Headlines Dizon leaves BCDA with ‘Built’ legacy

Dizon leaves BCDA with ‘Built’ legacy


CLARK FREEPORT – One tough act to follow. That is Vivencio “Vince” Dizon who stepped down as president-CEO of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority effective Oct, 15.

A whopping P48 billion in gross revenues – the highest ever by any administration, in fact, comprising nearly 40 percent of total revenues in all of the authority’s 27 years – the BCDA under Dizon earned.

As staggering is the total of P34.2 billion – almost triple that of the previous administration and almost double the contri￾butions from 1993 to 2010 – Dizon’s BCDA remitted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines, pursuant to its mandate to help strengthen national security.

Most tangible accomplishment of the BCDA under Dizon’s watch, unarguably, is the birthing and blossoming of the New Clark City, the postcard perfect poster of the Dute￾rte administration’s Build, Build, Build centerpiece program.

The New Clark City with the Athletics Stadium at the right. BCDA photo

The world-class NCC Athletics Stadium that hosted the 2019 Southeast Asian Games is presently vying for the Engineering Prize at the World Architecture Festival set in Lisbon, Portugal this December.

In these pandemic times, buildings at the NCC’s National Government Administrive Center have been temporarily repurposed as quarantine and isolation facilities for Covid patients.

CRK’s New Passenger Terminal backdropped by majestic Mt. Arayat. Photo courtesy of Borj Meneses

Yet another monumental project birthed during Dizon’s term at the BCDA is the Clark International Airport New Passenger Terminal Building. Yet to be put in actual operation, the terminal has already made it to the top six finalists in the airport category of the 2021 World Selection of the Prix Versailles Architecture and Design Awards “for its innovation, creativity, and connection to heritage.”

As palpable is the infrastructure and investment boom in the Clark Freeport, notably among international hotels, in the time of Dizon at BCDA.

The BCDA – long fronted by the Clark Development Corp. and the Clark International Airport Corp. in this neck of the woods of the former bas￾tions of American military might in the Asia-Pacific – came into its own only in the time of Dizon.

Indeed, who can still remember any BCDA president-CEO, much less any BCDA achievement, pre-Dizon?

In a statement on its P-CEO’s departure, the BCDA “extended its gratitude to Dizon for his tireless service and dedicated leadership over the past five years, which were marked by numer￾ous accomplishments and recognitions for the agency and its projects.”

And enthused: “These accomplishments and more will guide BCDA in its commitment to build a better future for all.”

President Duterte has appointed BCDA director Aristotle Batuhan officer-in-charge of the Office of the President and CEO.

Dizon retains his positions as presidential adviser on Covid-19, deputy chief implementer of the National Task Force Against Covid-19 and testing czar. With BCDA-PR


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