Divine Justice unleashed?


    IS GOD about to let go of Divine Justice?

    I have come across some mystics warning so. If I were to reckon this on recent unusual events- moral breakdown of institutions, strange and unprecedentedly devastating weather, more asteroids and comets and aurora borealis, proliferation of UFO’s all over, etc., I’d tend to assent.

    But I’d not insist. Supernatural time is different. Through the ages, people thought the Apocalypse would occur in their lifetimes, way back since St. John fi nished his book on the island of Patmos.

    Yet there’s something in our times that pushes belief we are in that era that St. John and certified Catholic mystics over the centuries warned about: the Apocalypse.

    Our is the generation witnessing the “woman clothed with the sun,” fi nally realizing a biblical prophecy through an explosion of Marian apparitions testified to by so many….. photographed, videotaped, studied by befuddled scientists equipped with modern gadgets.

    Many other Catholic writers share such apocalyptic sentiment. Here’s one from my favorite prolific Catholic writer and book author Michael Brown:

    “There certainly are many Church-approved apparitions and messages that speak or spoke specifically (see: Kibeho, Rwanda; see Fatima; see the Miraculous Medal, the anniversary of which is this month; see Akita, Japan; see Champion, Wisconsin) about the future. We are a prophetic Church. Prophecy is described by Scripture as a major gift of the Holy Spirit. There are apocalyptic images such as those in the Fatima secret.”

    Brown further said: “In so many messages — ‘alleged’ and otherwise — we keep hearing the same theme: time is short. The Blessed Mother cannot forever hold back the ‘arm of her Son.’”

    Brown noted: “It’s a message, however, that is currently preached only to the ‘choir’. Marian folks hear such missives time and again (and again). Obviously, the Blessed Mother wants others — wants everyone — to hear it:

    Not the end of the world, but purifi cation; the Spirit works that way; there are signs in every age.”

    Just as I have been underscoring recently, Brown urges even the Vatican itself to take seriously and echo one significant  mystic event: “Kibeho where Mary said her dire warnings pertained to all nations, from this apparition sanctioned at the Vatican itself.”

    Brown suggested that Vatican act as “bullhorn” to spread the Blessed Virgin Mary’s messages in Akita to the entire world. This could cause some panic, he said, but noted this was apparently what the Blessed Mother intended. I am not inclined to add more. Akita says it all. Ah, but I will in the next columns. These times are too urgent.


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