Home Headlines Diskwento Caravan: Commodities at discounted prices

Diskwento Caravan: Commodities at discounted prices


PROVINCE OF TARLAC – The Diskwento Caravan of DTI-Tarlac started rolling on May 28, 2021 with its first stop at the Mayantoc Municipal Covered Court.

Diskwento Caravan is a yearly trade activity conducted by DTI in partnership with manufacturers/distributors of basic necessities and prime commodities where consumers can avail of said products at discounted prices.

With the province still under Modified General Community Quarantine, DTI-Tarlac remodeled the activity for the safety and convenience of the consumers.  Unlike the usual Diskwento Caravan set up, consumers have the option to order the goods in advance through the Negosyo Centers and the Local Government Unit.

After Mayantoc, another run was conducted on June 19-20 in San Jose, Tarlac.  A total of 731 households benefitted from the 2 activities.

Two more Diskwento Caravans are set to roll this November 2021.


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