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Diocese issues guidelines on Church sacraments


BALANGA CITY — With utmost consideration of the safety of the faithful and following the directives of government, the Diocese of Balanga issued guidelineson baptism, confirmation, matrimony and other celebrations like funerals in the church, blessings and sacramentals while the province is under modified enhanced community quarantine.

Bishop Ruperto Santos issued the following guidelines under his Pastoral Statement No. 3:

On baptism, confirmation, matrimony, funerals and other sacraments:

1. Those who will be participating at the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Matrimony must observe strictly the social distancing norm. They must also wear facemasks and bring their alcohol and sanitizer.

2. During the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, limited number of those to be baptized is 10. Parents of a child to be baptized and a pair of sponsors are only allowed. A total of 30 are the maximum persons in baptism.

3. During the Sacrament of Confirmation, parents can attend and only one sponsor is needed. Kumpilang Bayan (Mass Confirmation) must comply with the 30-person rule per classroom in school/batches and scattered throughout the year. Confirmation can be done by pews with proper distancing.

4. During the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony, the number of those who will participate in the celebration is 30 including the couple, parents, godparents and the secondary sponsors.

5. Funeral Masses/blessings must be limited with the immediate family members, relatives, and other relevant persons with the prescribed social distancing, proper sanitizing, and hygiene.

6. Other sacramental like the blessing of a house, car, religious items, and others will be at the discretion of the parish priests and other priests in charge, with distancing, face masks, and sanitizing.

On parish meetings and formation programs:

1. We follow the basic principles of face masking, sanitizing, and hygiene. The parish priests and other priests can decide for the meetings of Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), religious organizations, and other activities in compliance with the government directives and guidelines.

2. It must be monitored and must be evaluated from time to time. We submit our programs and guidelines as written. And we heed with whatever results are taken for revisions and/or whatever are most recommendable for the safety of all.

On pastoral ministries of priests:

1. Since we are expecting much of the transition and stabilization, but even prior to any situation, the Church has been there to serve. That’s why we are priests ready to sacrifice and offer sufferings for the salvation of souls and our own sanctification.

2. Sick calls, anointing of the sick, and sacrament of penance must be made available at convenient time and place. With proper precautions and safety, we must comply with the local government units and the Department of Health.

3. In normalization, we must now regain the Covid-free Church as we renew, rebuild and revitalize. We have all the chances to make amends and we begin anew the works of evangelization. We move forward towards the diocesan thrusts, and towards our golden anniversary as a diocese come 2025.

The bishop said there will be no Flores de Mayo and Santacruzan.

He announced that the Virgen Milagrosa del Rosario College Seminary in Balanga City is being used as home for health workers while the Residencia Sacerdotal, also in the city, for children undergoing chemotherapy.

The allowances of personnel of small parishes will beshouldered by the chancery, the prelate said.


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