7,186 vacancies remain in Clark

    CLARK FREEPORT — Onehundred- forty-nine applicants were ‘hired on the spot’ during a recent jobs fair held here last Labor Day, but 7,186 job vacancies in some of 90 firms in this freeport have remained open.

    In a report, Clark Development Corp. (CDC) assistant vice president for external affairs Rommel Narciso said 149 of the 2,335 applicants who showed up during the jobs fair were immediately taken in. Another 1,749 were scheduled for further interviews.

    Narciso said, however, that at least 7,186 more job vacancies still have to be filled up. He said details on the vacancies could be accessed via the website

    The one-day Labor Day jobs fair was a project of the CDC, in partnership with Clark Investors and Locators Association, Department of Labor and Employment Region III, Public Employment Service Offices of Pampanga, local government units.

    “For the first time, free legal advice, consultation and other related legal services were included in the jobs fair,” said Angelo Lopez III, manager of the Litigations Division of CDC.

    Yuya Muraki, director of Japan based Gn Gn Eikawa, said his company is hiring 50 on-line English teachers mainly to teach Japanese students.

    Some of participating companies in the jobs fair were Coam Phils. Inc., Gn Gn Eikaiwa Phils., Inc., Service Resources Inc., Iqor Phils., Sutherland Global Services Phils. Inc. Talkingnet Global Education Inc., H3 Technology Phils. Inc., Spicus Co. Ltd. – Phil. Branch, and Mitsuto Optical Electronic Inc.


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