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Depression management


DEPRESSION IS the most prevalent medical condition worldwide, which has brought about many untimely and tragic deaths.
Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) is a common and serious mental illness that negatively affects our emotion, mind, body, and life.

It is a feeling of more than sad. It is losing interest to things that you used to enjoy. It weighs you down that everything seems to be difficult, even a menial task. You feel hopeless, worthless, helpless as if no one understands you.

Depression is the leading health concern globally. It is a huge contributor to the un-wellness of people in the world. As a matter of fact, it is one of the campaign priorities of the World Health Organization, to apply some therapeutic methods to school students, hospitals patients, and poor communities.

Women are most likely to experience depression more than men. According to the American Psychiatric Association, one third of women will experience major depressive episodes in their lifetime. I believe so, especially because women go through cycles of hormonal changes, which contributes considerably to the state of depression.

The signs and symptoms of depression are:
• Anger, irritability, outbursts and frustrations
• Sadness, emptiness and low selfesteem
• Changes in appetite, overeating or lacking
• Weight gain or weight loss
• Inability to focus and think clearly
• Drop in work performance and physical activities
• Fatigue and lost interest in intimacy
• Sleep disorder, sleeping too much, too little or not at all
• Avoidance of meeting friends or family
• Unexplainable body pains and aches
• Thoughts of self-harm, suicide or death

Some of the signs and symptoms above may be similar to the symptoms of another medical condition, consult your health care giver before going to a conclusion.
There are several factors that cause depression: Chemical imbalance in the brain (biochemistry, genetics, family history, exposure to violence, abuse, neglect, injustice, and poverty); Separation, like divorce or relationship break-up; Betrayals and deceit; Loss of a loved one; Declining health concern.
A few of the different types of depression are: Bipolar – a dramatic change of moods – from high to low or low to high; Seasonal Depression, usually during winter season in cold countries, when the winter season is over, so is depression. Normally, a minor depression lasts from two weeks to a few months, but a major one can last a lifetime if not well treated.

The standard medical treatments are: Anti-depressant pill, psychotherapy (talk therapy) and ECT (electro current therapy). Group therapy with a mediator is gaining popularity as well, in the USA, Europe, and Japan.

Here are remarkable tips that you could do to overcome depression:
o Meditation, for calm and relaxation, 15 minutes, upon waking up and before bed time
o Religious prayer or mantras chanting, morning and evening
o Get about 15-30 minutes of vitamin sunshine, the best time is between twelve noon to three in the afternoon
o Exercise: walking, biking, swimming, gym, 30-60 minutes, 5 times a week, join a friend or ask a friend to join, to boost your drive to do it
o Dance to your favorite music or sing out loud, to your heart’s content, or both
o Read a book that triggers happy thoughts
o Watch a movie that delights you, alone, with a friend or family
o Learn a new skill: gardening, painting, cooking, baking
o Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and less on processed foods and hydrate
o Talk to a trusted and optimistic person, ventilate your feelings
o Make a journal of your ordeal, to see your progress
o Write down the triggers of your depression, list the possible solutions to each item and strategize on how to work on them

From my own research, people who are consistent with their practice of prayer and meditation and those with stable and harmonious love relationship,
are less prone to depression.

I remember my Jyotisha guru (vedic astrologer) prescribing the shortest but mighty mantra “OM”, to my depressed client, to be chanted 30 minutes every morning. My client is now living a depression-free and happy life! He continued chanting the mantra, for it helps tremendously in his mental health and peace.

Another alternative medicine remedy used as anti-depressant that is quite famous in Europe is St. John’s Wort herb. Chamomile tea and Evening Prim Rose tea are supportive herbs.

For food supplements, Vitamin D, B6 and B12 work wonders to the mind. However, the vitamin L (Love), vitamin P (Peace), vitamin H (Hug) and vitamin CC (Care & Company), are the greatest! They are the most valuable gift that you could ever give to a suffering depressed person and to yourself.

Take a deep breath and affirm with conviction, with your right hand on top of your heart: I am safe, I am healthy, I am strong, I am happy, I am blessed! Life is beautiful and so it is!


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