Home Headlines DepEd preps up for safe return of in-person classes

DepEd preps up for safe return of in-person classes


TARLAC CITY – The Department of Education prepares for the safe return of
schoolchildren to in-person classes on August 22 with the regional launching of
Brigada Eskwela 2022 in Central Luzon.

It aims to promote strategic and healthy partnerships among education
stakeholders and partners.

“This annual activity, which will run until August 26, highlights the country’s
collective efforts from various partnership engagements, creating a safe learning
environment for the learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and
community to achieve safety while ensuring the delivery of quality education,”
DepEd regional director May Eclar said.

“Through Brigada Eskwela, we highlight one of our outstanding traits as Filipinos –
the bayanihan spirit, from the word “bayan”, from the word
“bayani.” Bayanihan is a communal unity helping others without expecting
anything in return. Expecting rewards, and that reward is to achieve a common
goal. And in our case, our common goal is geared towards the improvement of
our learners,” Eclar added.

She assured that DepEd has been initiating activities and programs that will
ensure the safety of 2.6 million learners in Central Luzon. 

“In the case of the Brigada Eskwela, this bayanihan spirit opens opportunities to
engage and secure investments for education as well as collaboration to ensure
preparedness of our teachers, our learners, and our parents for the start of the
new school year with the common goal of providing access and quality relevant
education to our learners in Region III,” Eclar furthered.

While Brigada Eskwela has been introduced several years ago, the yearly school
maintenance activity has also evolved.

 "From Brigada Eskwela sa paghahanda which is conducted before the school
year, it has added the component Brigada Eskwela Plus wherein anytime of the
year, partnerships or collaborations with our schools for its improvement is
conducted. We also accept teacher development partnerships with our
stakeholders, for learning resources and the like, these are conducted all
throughout the year,” Eclar shared.

Last year, Brigada Pagbasa was added wherein DepEd engages partners to
improve the reading skills of learners in key stages, Kinder to Grade 3.

Tarlac Province Schools Division superintendent Ronaldo Pozon, the host of the
regional kick-off, thanked education partners in forging efforts to sustain the
gains of the agency towards a resilient and strong basic education. 

“Brigada Eskwela is not just cleaning of schools, painting and doing necessary
repairs in schools… it spells out the true love of every Filipino, as it expresses
Filipino values and premium given to education and the support they shower to
our schools for the sublime cause of education,” he emphasized.

This year’s activity carries the theme “Brigada Eskwela: Tugon sa Hamon sa Ligtas
na Balik-Aral”.


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