Home Headlines DepEd-3: 2023 regional talent fest slated June 7, 24

DepEd-3: 2023 regional talent fest slated June 7, 24


June 13, 2023—The Department of Education Regional Office III shall conduct the 2023 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) on June 17 and 24, 2023 at the Department of Education Regional Office III Grounds, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

With the theme “Reinforcing 21st Century Learning and Fostering Creative Industries through Talents and Skills Exhibition”, the 2023 RFOT aims to provide opportunities for learners from public and private elementary and secondary schools as well as those from the Alternative Learning System (ALS), Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED), Special Needs Education Program (SNEd), and Madrasah Education Program (MEP) to showcase their talents and skills. It also provides a platform for strengthening teachers’ and learners knowledge and skill sets as they listen to the invaluable insights shared by the panel of experts.

The event categories include the Technolympics for Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), Technical Vocation Education (TVE), and Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL); Sining Tanghalan for Music and Arts; Population Development for Social Studies (Araling Panlipunan); Musabaqah for Madrasah Education Program; SNEd Expo for Special Needs Education; and STEMazing for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.

The RFOT is in preparation for the National Festival of Talents to be conducted on July 17-21, 2023.

Based on DepEd Memorandum No. 023 s.2023, the NFOT is a co-curricular activity which is a clear and proactive reinforcement of the teaching and learning process and reflects the significant association between what the learners learned in school and what they performed and produced during the activity. The conduct of the NFOT is consistent with the MATATAG Education Agenda: TAke care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education programs, and ensuring that all learners, regardless of background, have access to quality learning opportunities and services.

Furthermore, with the passage of RA 11904 titled Philippine Creative Industries Development Act, DepEd is expected to contribute to achieving the much-needed protection and preference of local creatives and products. As such, NFOT, as one of the major activities of DepEd, will contribute toward the attainment of developing learners’ talents and skills in creative industries.


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