Home Headlines Delightful amazake

Delightful amazake


AS I stroll on the 8th level, the food floor of the popular Yodobashi Camera in
Osaka, a photo of what looked like a white form of tea from a tempura restaurant
caught my eye. Intrigued, I entered the place which was quite packed with locals.
Luckily, the cute waitress found a spot for me. While I settled in my seat, thrill
started spiraling in my curious mind.

My food selection is usually short because of my strict vegetarian diet. I ordered
yasai tempura with zaru soba and a green salad. After 15 minutes my order
arrived with a bonus of that white drink, I saw in their promotion poster.

Cheerfully, I asked the server about the mysterious beverage. She replied
enthusiastically that it is a traditional drink in Japan, for hundreds of years. It is
called “amazake,” made from rice koji.

Though it is sweet, there is no added sugar to it. Generally, it is consumed after
eating as a desert potion, and it aids digestion like probiotics. It is non-alcoholic
that even children can take it, she proudly expressed.

You bet, I relished each drop of the delightful amazake right after my gratifying
meal. Immediately I rushed back to my room in Intercon hotel so I could chat with
my Japanese healer friend about this newfound love interest. She was laughing as
I inquired. She exclaimed that amazake is a well-known drink in Japan, how could I
not know about it. Well, not to me I burst, giggling like a teenager who just found
a hidden treasure.

Reminiscing, I remember my mother used to give me “am,” somewhat similar,
when I was a young child. A warm white liquid with a bit of sugary taste spooned
from boiling rice. She told me that it is good for the body and makes one strong. Is
it the same as the amazake?

Apparently, no. Amazake is a mixture of rice and koji. Koji is the base formulator
of the wonder refreshment and derived mostly from grains. It is a famous mold
with a scientific name “aspergillus oryzae” also used when making soy sauce,
sake, and other customary Japanese fermented nourishment.

To make rice koji (amakaze), mix koji powder in steamed cooked rice. Blend
together well. Cover the pan and keep the mixture in a controlled temperature,
about 60 degrees Celsius. When the mold starts to coat the rice grains, add more
water. Stir occasionally, putting the lid back. The rice koji should look moist.

It usually takes 6-8 hours to make an awesome natural sweetness rewarding
outcome. Transfer it to a dry container with cover. It will last for a week if
refrigerated and longer if placed in the freezer.

To make it as a drink, scoop half a cup and add the same amount of water to it.
You may cook it together, for a creamier texture or run it in a blender. For an
additional zest, experiment by adding cacao or any fruit of your choice or organic

This heaven-sent nectar is loaded with vitamin B, major amino acids and digestive
enzymes. When consumed regularly, experience a fast fatigue recovery, glowing
skin, lustrous hair, better metabolism, weight loss, improved sleep, healthier gut
and enhanced energy.

Cheers to health!



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