David: Anger not my motive

    GUAGUA, Pampanga – Professor Randy David belied yesterday allegations that mere anger is his motive in running for congressman against Pres. Arroyo in this province’s second district.

    In a text message to Punto, David said “I’m not opposing GMA’s (initials of the President) presumed run in the second district out of anger for her.”

    He said that rather, “I’m opposing the plan for her to slide down to congressman just so she can later assume the post of prime minister.”

    But he said that “if the President pulls back from this desperate scheme, I will not consider becoming a candidate and will give way to others.”

    David said his decision to run against Mrs. Arroyo is also to voice out his objection to “the kind of politics she (Mrs. Arroyo) represents – the politics of greed, manipulation and abuse.”

    The other day, Pampanga Mayors’ League spokesman Candaba Mayor Jerry Pelayo criticized David for allegedly having anger as primary motive to run against the president in the second district and dared him to seek the post regardless of whether the President will run in next year’s polls.

    Malacanang has neither confirmed nor denied reports that the President will run for Congress in next year’s election, a suspicion triggered by her unusually frequent visits to her district starting this year.

    In an earlier interview, presidential son Rep. Mikey Arroyo said that while he would give way to his mother in the second district, the President has never relayed to him any plan that she would seek a congressional seat next year.

    Mikey also described as “farfetched” the allegations that the President wants to become prime minister in case the pending constitutional assembly in Congress leads to a shift to a parliamentary system of government.

    However, Gov. Eddie Panlilio said that a multi-sectoral “discernment group” has not yet given up considering another person, not  David, as its candidate against for congressman against the president. He, however, declined to identify the person.

    “I and the group still believe that the choice of a congressional candidate against Pres. Arroyo should be a product of collective effort. I still believe it should be a group decision, “Panlilio told Punto in a telephone interview.

    Panlilio also clarified that he has not entertained running for congressman against the President. “It’s another person who is being considered,” he stressed.

    David said that he would be grateful if Panlilio’s group would support his candidacy, as he noted that “I am not a participant in Among Ed’s (Panlilio) caucuses”.

    “Mine is the principled stand of an ordinary citizen who is fed up with the politics of patronage and corruption,” he added.

    Panlilio declined to identify the person being urged to run by what he referred to as “a discernment group” which, he stressed, is composed of the same persons who had supported his gubernatorial candidacy in 2007. The group which endorsed his candidacy then were composed of Catholic priests and other Christian leaders.

    But he stressed that while the group has already united behind the person they want to run against Mrs. Arroyo, David could still end up being the group’s candidate amid continuing discussions on the political scenario in the second district.

    Panlilio said that countering the President’s congressional bid is “by itself a great service to the Filipino people”.

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