Home Headlines DAR partners with BJMP to end hunger, poverty

DAR partners with BJMP to end hunger, poverty


BJMP representatives sign MOU with DAR. Photo courtesy of PIA-3

ANAO, Tarlac The Department of Agrarian Reform and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology have signed a memorandum of understanding to mitigate hunger, ensure adequate food supply, and reduce poverty in rural communities in Tarlac.

The MOU is under the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty, a program of the government which aims to eradicate hunger by the year 2030. 
DAR Tarlac chief agrarian reform program officer Stella Lacamento addressed the advantage of the agreement to the agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations.

“This will not only target hunger, poverty, and food security but also help our ARBOs market their agricultural products directly to the buyer,” Lacamento explained.
Under the MOU, DAR will link BJMP with ARBOs, set guidelines and facilitate the agreement between the parties. BJMP, on the other hand, shall give the list of needed supplies directly to the ARBOs while the ARBOs provide the needed products with reasonable prices.

Also part of the MOU that in case of calamities, DAR must source out products needed by BJMP from the neighboring ARBOs.

ARBOs are also encouraged to upscale their production, not only of crops such as rice and vegetables, but also the production of small livestock, eggs and poultry.

To date, ARBOs who have signed the partnership include Ginintuang Butil Farmers Association from San Juan de Mata in Tarlac City and San Manuel Tarlac Farmer Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Gabriela Liana S. Barela/PIA3


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