Cramming for Christmas

    Pitong tulog na lang, pasko na. 

    Yup, I can’t believe it myself.  Christmas is just 7 days away.  If you are caught up in the frenzied rush to do last-minute shopping, take heart.  You and I belong to majority of the population who get a kick out of cramming.

    This is really the season where people do things at the eleventh-hour.  Some even attempt to hit two birds with one stone, believing that multi-tasking makes for greater efficiency.  Not necessarily. 

    There are stuff that, experts correctly advise, should not happen at one time.  Like texting while driving.  Or studying while watching TV.  Or sitting in front of the TV while munching. (Couch potatoes, unite and stage a picket against this last one!)

    There is one more.  You cannot do a circular, clockwise movement of your right foot on the ground while your right hand is writing the number six in the air. (Try it. See if you don’t go nuts.)

    Recently, however, I’ve personally discovered that there are exceptions. There are really things which one can do at the same time with no dire consequences. In fact, some things done in one sweep saves a lot of precious time.  I call them “TWO-DOs.”

    Here are a few of those “TWO-DOs” in my list for the kind consideration of Russians (as in “Rush-yan”) and Argentineans (“Urgent-din yan”):

    BRUSHING YOUR TEETH WHILE FINISHING ONE CHAPTER IN A BOOK. Believe it or not, you could gain wisdom while getting rid of plaque. When you try this, however, choose a reading material with short chapters. Otherwise, you’ll have toothpaste drippings all over the place.

    SITTING ON THE TOILET BOWL WHILE DOING BREATHING EXERCISES. You’ll find these two drills to be profoundly complimentary and exceedingly satisfying. Once you perfect the sit-and-breathe ritual, I assure you, you can throw your laxatives away.

    BELTING OUT A TUNE WHILE TAKING A REFRESHING BATH. Unleash the singer within you and do a “birit” with reckless abandon. But, if you are more into croaking than singing, a piece of unsolicited advice: do not let your voice go beyond the confines of your own bathroom.

    LISTENING TO A JOYFUL, DANCEABLE DITTY ON YOUR CAR AUDIO WHILE STUCK IN HEAVY TRAFFIC. Music has been proven to have a calming effect on the spirit and effective in minimizing the “+ *^ % $# @” that are commonly spewed by drivers caught up in crawling traffic.

    ENJOYING A WARM CUP OF COFFEE WHILE READING THE NEWSPAPER. Aside from giving a caffeine boost, Coffee has recently been found to contain anti-oxidants. As for the acid in the stomach, don’t blame the coffee. Accuse the news.

    LISTENING AND TALKING. Also collectively known as “Prayer.” Although these two acts are actually performed one after another, when you put them together, the results are phenomenal, miraculous even, especially this Christmas season. Works best in the listening-talking sequence. In that order.

    Quote for the week:

    If you’re catching two rabbits,

    you will not catch either one.

    – Russian proverb


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