Home Headlines Covid-19 cases in Bataan continue to rise

Covid-19 cases in Bataan continue to rise

Bataan Provincial Health Office in front of The Bunker. Photo by Ernie Esconde

BALANGA CITY — The number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus disease in
Bataan continued to rise that as of Thursday already reached 38,668 with 248
active ones after the addition of 56 new infections.

Reports from the provincial health office showed there were 56 active cases on
July 2 that rose almost daily to 230 Wednesday, July 20, and presently to 248.
It has reached to a point that there were already zero active cases in most of the
11 towns and one city in the province when the number was down to less than 10
but the numbers are coming back gradually.

With active cases are Balanga City – 76, Bagac – 14, Limay – 18, Pilar – 16,
Mariveles – 30, Orion – 12, Abucay – 10, Dinalupihan – 33, Hermosa – 5, Morong
– 6, Orani – 18, and Samal – 10.

New confirmed cases came from Abucay, 4; Bagac, 6; Balanga City, 18;
Dinalupihan, 9; Hermosa, 1; Limay, 2; Mariveles, 6; Orani, 6; Orion, 2; and Samal,

The latest PHO report also showed that there were three new deaths, causing the
number of fatalities from Covid-19 to reach 1,432. The new deaths were a 57-
year- old man from Mariveles and an 87-year-old woman and 67-year-old man
from Balanga City.

There are now 36,988 individuals who recovered after 35 new recoveries were

Gov. Jose Enrique Garcia III said the rise in cases was manageable but asked his
constituents to be careful and submit to vaccinations and continue observing
safety protocol.

To stop the Covid–19 surge, the provincial government in coordination with PHO
and the local government units launched the five-day “Bakunahan Bayanihan sa
Barangay: Panalo ang Bakunado at Boosted na Bataeno” offering cash and other
incentives from July 20 – 23 and July 25.


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